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PhD Net: European Literary and Cultural Studies

* Warwick is hosting the September 2023 PhD Net Conference, from 20-22 September. Click here to read more.

The School of Modern Languages and Cultures is part of a well-established international network and doctoral training programme in which seven European universities work together to offer their postgraduates a platform for intellectual exchange and knowledge transfer.

The inclusive PhD-net environment fosters innovative ideas and cutting-edge research across languages and beyond national borders, transcending culture-specific methodologies and different academic research cultures. PhD students and their supervisors from the University of Bergamo, the Justus-Liebig University of Giessen, the University of Graz, the Catholic University of Lisbon, Stockholm University, and the University of Warwick meet regularly at one of the partner institutions to foster transnational collaboration.

The programme even offers a joint degree and co-tutelle agreement to its members. Joint events, such as symposia, conferences, master classes, summer schools, and international lecture series implement the tight network structures envisioned in the PhDnet: European Literary and Cultural StudiesLink opens in a new window.

If you are interested in learning more about the PhD-net or to make contact with representatives of any of the partner universities, please get in touch with

* Warwick is hosting the September 2023 PhD Net Conference, from 20-22 September. Click here to read more.