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Renaissance Europe I: Foundations and Forms

All classes will take place on Mondays, 15:00-17:00, in H3.55 (3rd floor, Humanities Building)

Week 1: Introduction [David Lines] Module Description, Aims & Assessment inc. Essay Deadline HERE.

Models and influence

Week 2: Greece, Rome, and beyond [Bobby Xinyue]. Full reading list with various pdfs listed below.

Cicero, Pro Archia (Oration for Archias the Poet). PDF HERE.

Petrarch’s letters to: Socrates, Pulice di Vicenza, Cicero (x2), and Posterity. PDF HERE. 

Mantuan, Eclogue 5. PDF HERE.

Kallendorf, C. W. (2007), ‘Renaissance’, in idem. (ed.), A Companion to the Classical Tradition (Malden, MA and Oxford: Blackwell), pp.30-43. PDF HERE.

Week 3: The Christian tradition [David Lines]. Full reading list

Petrarch, Secretum. PDF HERE

Petrarch, The Ascent of Mount Ventoux. PDF HERE

Augustine, Confessions, Book VIII at 

Week 4: Italian and European Humanism [Ingrid De Smet]. Full reading list.

Week 5: Inventing the Renaissance: from Vasari to Burckhardt [Rebecca Carnevali]. Full reading list with pdfs below.

Giorgio Vasari, The Lives of the Artists. PDF HERE; Jacob Burckhardt, The Civilization of the Renaissance in Italy. PDF HERE.

Week 6: Reading Week (no class)

Texts, Art, and Artefacts

Week 7: Renaissance Poetry and Poetics [Catherine Bates]. Full reading list.

Week 8: Distaffs, Lutes and Prayer Books: The Female Renaissance [Ingrid De Smet]. Full reading list.

Week 9: Renaissance painting [Rebecca Carnevali]. Full reading list with pdfs below.

Cennino Cennini, The Book of the Art. PDF HERE; Leon Battista Alberti, On Painting. PDF HERE; Giorgio Vasari, The Lives of the Artists. PDF HERE

Week 10: Botanical Manuals [Michael Bycroft]. Full reading list.