Faculty of Arts at Home: Resonate Festival

Faculty of Arts at Home
Resonate Festival
Tying in with Coventry's City of Culture year, the Resonate FestivalLink opens in a new window celebrates the power of creativity, conversation and connection. In our Faculty of Arts at Home video series, launched during lockdown, researchers explore Resonate's key themes.
Digitalisation and Cinema Projection in the UK
Dr Richard Wallace (Film and Television Studies) brings us the film ‘Digitalisation and Cinema Projection in the UK’. Rick’s film explores his work on the AHRC funded ‘Projection Project’ and the history of film projection practices, reaching from the earliest days of cinema to the current digital revolution in film exhibition.
Chilean Exiles in the UK: Capturing Historical Experiences of Sanctuary
Professor Alison Ribeiro de Menezes (Hispanic Studies, School of Modern Languages and Cultures) brings us the film ‘Chilean Exiles in the UK: Capturing Historical Experiences of Sanctuary’. Alison’s film explores her work on the history of Chilean exiles who were brought over to the UK through assistance from World University Service. Her research has traced the impact of the grants which helped 900+ Chilean scholars escape the brutal regime of Augusto Pinochet in the 1970s. We also hear here from one of these scholars, Professor Eleuterio Toro, about his experiences of the scheme and its impact on his life and work.
Engaging with Coventry's TV Past
Kat Pearson (PhD Student in Film and Television Studies) introduces her research into UK Cities of Culture and television, and the role that the television archive plays in placemaking. Kat discusses how she worked with the Media Archive for Central England’s collection of historic television to curate screenings of footage of Foleshill for community members, and to produce a film reel about Coventry’s architecture and public art for the Metropolis exhibition which opened in the city this month. She also discusses her role in the production of BBC4’s documentary ‘Coventry Cathedral: Building for New Britain’.
Freedom and Revolution
Professor Kate AstburyLink opens in a new window discusses her research into the experiences of the Napoleonic Prisoners of War who were held at Portchester Castle, and the performances that they staged while they were there.
Challenges for Sustainable Cities
As countries around the world come together to tackle the threat of climate change at the COP26 climate summit, the question of how cities can become more sustainable has never been more important. Tying in with the Resonate Festival’s theme of Futures, Dr Jonathan ClarkeLink opens in a new window in Global Sustainable Development discusses what some of the key challenges are for transforming our cities to become more resilient, equitable and sustainable to adapt to our changing world.
Coventry in the (Ancient) World
In the latest Faculty of Arts at Home video, Dr Paul Grigsby Link opens in a new windowdiscusses Coventry’s ancient history, tying in with the Resonate festival’s theme of ‘Coventry in the World’ for November. Dr Grigsby uses the history beneath our feet to explore how Coventry has been a place of continual cultural change since prehistoric times, using archaeological evidence to trace how people from around the world have come to this diverse city.
Coventry in the World
Christmas Drinks
Tying in with the Food GRP’s programme of events for this month’s Resonate Festival theme of ‘Feast!’, in this video Professor Rebecca EarleLink opens in a new window discusses the history of mulled wine and other Christmas drinks. Grab a glass and hear how these drinks have been part of Christmas celebrations over the centuries!
Supernatural Stories
This month’s Resonate Festival theme asks the question, ‘What does it mean to be human’? Dr Martha McGillLink opens in a new window, British Academy Postdoctoral Fellow in the Department of History, discusses historical beliefs about supernatural beings and how these shaped the ways that our ancestors thought about their own humanity.
Want to hear more? Sign up for ‘Invisible Worlds – Humans and the SupernaturalLink opens in a new window’ taking place as part of the Resonate Festival on Thursday, 24th February, 6:30-7:30pm at Canley Community Centre, CV4 8FT.
Being Human
Amazing Women: Mapping Suffrage
Professor Sarah RichardsonLink opens in a new window from the Department of History tells us about the Mapping Women's SuffrageLink opens in a new window project, which aims to identify, plot and record the everyday lives and locations of as many Votes for Women campaigners as possible across England at the height of the suffrage movement in 1911. In particular, Sarah introduces us to some local Coventry and Warwickshire women who made their mark in the suffrage effort.
Intrigued to discover the story of the suffragette who lived down your street? You can check out the interactive map database hereLink opens in a new window.
Amazing Women
Cities of Culture
Coventry's year as 'UK City of Culture 2021' draws to a close in April 2022. The University of Warwick will celebrate Coventry's magnificent tenure with a campus finale of the Resonate Festival, taking place from the 19th - 21st April 2022.
But what does it mean to be a 'City of Culture', and from where did this scheme originate? Who chooses the 'winning' city, what sorts of criteria are used to select the winner, and what is expected of a city once they have been awarded the title?
In this episode of #FacultyofArtsatHome, PhD Researcher Emily Dunford - whose research specifically focuses on Coventry's tenure as UK City of Culture 2021 - will answer these questions and more, providing insights into the wider social, economic and political aspects of the scheme and how it shapes the places where we live.
Cities of Culture
In the final episode of the #FacultyofArtsatHome series, Professor Stéphanie Panichelli-Batalla gets us thinking about health and its delivery from a global perspective, by sharing her research on the Cuban Internationalist Solidarity Programme.
Listen to find out more about what healthcare means to the professionals on the programme, as well as how the programme itself has impacted Cuban society.