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Film and TV's Tiago de Luca kicks off ‘Latin American Cinema: Between Theory and Practice' at the BFI Southbank

‘Latin American Cinema: Between Theory and Practice’ comprises three sessions taking place at the BFI Southbank in June and July.
This is the third series of workshops devoted to re-envisioning film theory in a global context. For session 1, on 19 June, ‘Depth of Field, Class Conflict and the Latin American Cinema of Domestic Service’, Tiago de Luca (University of Warwick) will focus on depth-of-field theories in ‘cinema of domestic work’. This session will consider whether André Bazin’s foundational writings on depth of field can be applied to recent Latin American films about the relationship between employers and live-in domestic workers.
Tickets can be booked here.
Fri 24 May 2024, 10:51 | Tags: engagement, Research seminars, staff

Professor Helen Wheatley Launches New Book at Coventry Cathedral

Television/Death intertwines the study of death, dying and bereavement on television with discussion of the ways that television (and the TV archive) provides access to the dead. Helen introduced the book at this event and invited to collaborators to respond to the work, prior to a drink reception. The event was held Coventry Cathedral as this special place was one of the key locations for the events discussed in the final section of the book.

Tue 14 May 2024, 11:38 | Tags: engagement, Publications, Research news

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