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Global Sustainable Development News

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Dr Jonathan Clarke discusses challenges for sustainable cities

"As countries around the world come together to tackle the threat of climate change at the COP26 climate summit, the question of how cities can become more sustainable has never been more important. Dr Jonathan Clarke, Senior Teaching Fellow in Global Sustainable Development, discusses what some of the key challenges are for transforming our cities to become more resilient, equitable and sustainable to adapt to our changing world."

This video is part of the Faculty of Arts at Home series, produced by the faculty during lockdown and beyond. The series showcases the diversity of research in the Faculty of Arts in relation to overarching themes.

Mon 15 Nov 2021, 15:33 | Tags: GSD Staff stories Global Sustainable Development Research

Fully funded PhD scholarship in Caribbean Studies

Caribbean map

Applications are invited for a three-and-half-year (42 months) funded PhD studentship at the University of Warwick starting in autumn 2021. The successful candidate will be based at the University’s Yesu Persaud Centre for Caribbean Studies (YPCCS) and the research can be into any aspect of the history, literature, culture or societies of the Caribbean.

Before submitting an application, candidates should identify and make contact with a potential supervisor from among the Centre's academic staff. Academic members of staff at the Centre include Professor Stéphanie Panichelli-Batalla, Head of the School for Cross-faculty Studies; and Dr Leon Sealey Huggins, Assistant Professor in GSD. You can also identify a potential co-supervisor from our list of PhD supervisors at the School for Cross-faculty Studies. Without a suitable supervisor, the candidate will not be eligible.

Thu 02 Sep 2021, 16:39 | Tags: Funding School for Cross-faculty Studies Research

EUTOPIA award for “Learning Space” PhD project

Image credit: EUTOPIA European University

    A EUTOPIA PhD Co-tutelle Programme 2021 award with a value of £150,000 has been made to support a joint PhD research project between the Global Sustainable Development (GSD) Department at Warwick and the Department of Geography at CY Cergy Paris University (CYU).

    Climate Exp0 through the eyes of a student volunteer and a presenter

    Image credit: Dr. Cécile Girardin, University of Oxford

    The Climate Exp0 conference, hosted in May this year, aimed to showcase the latest thinking and international research relevant to climate change and raise ambition for tangible outcomes at the 2021 UN Climate Change Conference (COP26) in November. Online and free, the conference was designed to support the climate change research agenda and stimulate virtual collaboration among different stakeholders. Current GSD student, Scarlett Scott-Nadal, took part in Climate Exp0 as a student volunteer; and recent GSD graduate, Mia Sannapureddy, was selected to present her research on the premise for a fossil-free bond index. Hear from Scarlett and Mia below about their experiences of the conference.

    Publication success on marine conservation in World Development journal

    Image credit: Dr Marco J Haenssgen

    Led by Dr Marco J Haenssgen (Assistant Professor in GSD) with a team of authors from the School for Cross-faculty Studies including Dr Jess Savage (Senior Teaching Fellow in GSD) and Dr Godwin Yeboah (Senior Research Fellow in IGSD), the first paper from Dr Jess Savage’s Global Challenges Research Fund (GCRF) project on “Protected Areas and People” has been published in the leading international development journal World Development.

    New articles from GSD researcher on the history of credit for agriculture and global development

    Drying of the cocoa bean by a farmer at Nkyerepoaso in Juaben municipal of the Ashanti region of Ghana.

    Dr Nick Bernards, Assistant Professor in GSD, has recently published two articles on the history of agricultural credit and its importance in shaping global development.

    Students and staff in GSD featured in Reinvention journal

    The latest issue of Reinvention: an International Journal of Undergraduate Research presents a diverse range of content and themes that all comment on ideas of interconnectedness, interdisciplinarity, and sustainability. Moreover, it includes several contributions from students and staff in the GSD Department!

    School for Cross-faculty Studies students present at BCUR 2021

    Current and former students from the School for Cross-faculty Studies presented their research on 12-13 April at the British Conference of Undergraduate Research (BCUR) 2021.

    Established in 2011, BCUR is the largest conference in the UK dedicated exclusively to undergraduate research, promoting and sharing research in all disciplines. The conference usually takes place each year at a different University. This year, the University of Leeds delivered the conference virtually.

    IMMANA funding award to support study of food activity spaces

    Fresh produce in a market in Thailand

    Image credit: Payoon Gerinto on Unsplash

    GSD Assistant Professor Marco J Haenssgen is part of a research group that has won a £249,000 award to study how people navigate their social and physical food environments in Thailand and Laos.

    Research funding success for GSD students

    Library shelves

    Congratulations to our students for securing funding for research projects over the summer!

    The Undergraduate Research Support Scheme (URSS) enables undergraduate students to carry out an interdisciplinary summer research public engagement project. The scheme is open to any undergraduate student at Warwick and research can be completed in the UK or abroad.

    This year, seven GSD students have successfully secured a bursary: Sara Azeem, Szebasztian Csernik-Tihn, Annabelle Early, Ari Hassan, Isaac McGirr, Virginia Thomas-Pickles and Melissa Yip. Their research projects will be presented in the form of a poster showcase at the annual URSS Celebration Research Showcase, which will take place next academic year.

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