Research News
GSD academic publishes new book exploring finance sector impact on capitalism
A member of our teaching faculty has recently published a new book questioning whether the finance sector remains the true culprit for capitalism’s toxic effects.
School for Cross-faculty Studies welcomes Skidmore College scholar for two events on cartography history
The School for Cross-faculty Studies are hosting visiting scholar and historical cartography expert Professor Jordana Dym, who will also be running two events for Warwick staff and students on mapping and their significance in South American history.
GSD Presents Third Annual PhD Symposium
On 2 July 2024 the GSD department held its third Annual GSD PhD Symposium - an event made possible by the Leverhulme Trust - sponsors of our Leverhulme-TRANSFORM Doctoral Training programme.
GSD professor presents indigenous community research at science festival
A member of our Global Sustainable Development department recently presented their research at the first ever Resonate Festival of Science and Technology in Leamington Spa.
Dr Camilla Audia - Assistant Professor of GSD who leads our Health and Sustainable Development and Addressing Disasters for Sustainable. Development undergraduate modules - presented her research on indigenous communities in Burkina Faso at the festival’s first event, which focused on projects related to weather.
New collaboration with MAIDS-GRID at Chulalongkorn University, Thailand
Last year, GSD was delighted to establish an exciting collaboration at postgraduate level with the programmes in International Development Studies (MAIDS-GRID) at Chulalongkorn University in Bangkok, the highest-ranked university in Thailand. This partnership was conceptualised under the Thai-UK World-class University Consortium, funded by the British Council, which aims to bring together Thai and UK institutions for internationalisation and to enhance teaching and research through knowledge exchange and sharing.
MAIDS-GRID at Chulalongkorn and GSD at Warwick both offer international postgraduate programmes in sustainable development and development studies, which share several similarities, including a transdisciplinary teaching and research philosophy, an international student body and comparable programme size.
Professor Mandy Sadan Interview: Reflections on Ceasefires in Myanmar
Professor Mandy Sadan was interviewed by the Democratic Voice of Burma (DVB), Burma's largest independent media network for their podcast series 'DVB Reads'.
New summary report: Rare Earth Elements, Global Inequalities and the 'Just Transition'
A new summary report details preliminary findings from the project ‘Rare Earths in the Just Transition: Connecting Global Inequalities in REEs Commodity Chains’, which was funded by the British Academy’s Just Transitions within Sectors and Industries Globally scheme. The project is led by Professor Mandy Sadan (Global Sustainable Development).
New publication: 'A Critical History of Poverty Finance' by Dr Nick Bernards
A new book by Dr Nick Bernards, Associate Professor in GSD, A Critical History of Poverty Finance, has recently been published by Pluto Press. The book looks at the history of financial 'solutions' to global poverty, tracing out links between colonial-era practices and contemporary fintech fads. It shows how past and present efforts to extend access to formal financial services have reinforced and exacerbated embedded patterns of uneven development.