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IGSD thematic priorities

IGSD thematic priorities

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Prof. Elena Korosteleva and Dr Paul Hansbury invited to brief a new Charge D'Affaires designate for Belarus

Professor Korosteleva and Dr Hansbury represented the WUB-hub on 28 August at the Foreign Office London when briefing a new Head of Mission appointed for Belarus. During the roundtable inter alia the issues of democratic political structures, foreign policy, and civil society developments were discussed.

SHAPEDEM-EU discussed the ongoing protests in Georgia

SHAPEDEM-EU organised an online expert discussion to explore the root causes and future implications of the ongoing mass protests in Georgia against the adoption of the "foreign agents" law. The discussion featured an in-house expertise - Dr. Nona MikhelidzeLink opens in a new window (Istituto Affari Internazionali), Kristina Pitalskaya (EaP Civil Partnership), and Dr. Aijan Sharshenova Link opens in a new window(University of Warwick).

The discussion took place on May 10th via zoom and was open to the public.

The SHAPEDEM-EU Link opens in a new windowProject unites 12 academic, research and civil society institutions in an effort to rethink and reshape EU democracy support in the Eastern and Southern neighbourhoods.

The post-war Soviet famine 1946-47, as explored by Professor Igor Casu, Director of the Moldovan National Archives

The talk will focus on the post-war Soviet famine with a special focus on what was occurring in Moldovan and Ukrainian SSR. It will be of relevance to all those who are interested in history, politics, geography and sustainable futures, of the post-Soviet space and beyond. The talk is happening on 7 May at 11-13.00 in R0.14 (Ramphal) - everyone is welcome! Alternatively you can join via teams.

IGSD Research Fellow discussed David Cameron's Central Asia tour

IGSD Research Fellow Dr. Aijan SharshenovaLink opens in a new window discussed David Cameron's recent Central Asia and Mongolia tour in the Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty's Majlis podcastLink opens in a new window. Other participants included Professor Luca Anceschi from Glasgow University and Benjamin Godwin, PRISM political risk management company. Lord Cameron's visit covered all five Central Asian republics and ended in Mongolia.

Professor Korosteleva speaks at the EUISS, European Council Brussels

Professor Korosteleva was invited by the EUISS to speak onshtag resilience and the need to rethink EU support for Moldova, Georgia and Armenia, at the European Council Building, Brussels. The meeting was attended by the officials from the European Commission, External Action Service, and country representatives working towards developing a new strategy, based on resilience. This was research with impact, in the making.

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