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IGSD thematic priorities

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Compass+ Outcomes

The forum aimed to examine new challenges faced by the world and the ODA countries of Central Eurasia in particular, to seek policy solutions to this unjust, fragile and geo-politically unstable world of today. It explored connections of resilience as self-governance, central to the survival and transformation of local communities/societies, with the resilience as diversity-governance of Global International Society (GIS), to understand how it works especially in times of crises (war), and increasing complexity. The ultimate goal is to see if a more sustainable and ontologically secure world of tomorrow is possible for the region, and if yes, what kind of governance is needed to get there (Korosteleva & Flockhart 2020; Korosteleva & Petrova 2021; Flockhart & Paikin 2022).

Today we are facing a complex combination of crises which contribute and reinforce each other. Indicators of insecurity are rising, while indicators of environmental integrity are sinking. A complexity-thinking planetary approach to sustainable development through the lens of resilience, presents promising avenues for seeking solutions to future development. The forum brought together different views and practices, to conjointly (re-)discover ways to more sustainable and resilient communities of relations on local, regional and global levels.

Please see website for more details on the book launch, policy recommendations, capture of the discussions and infographics to support the outcomes of the Forum.

Tue 28 Mar 2023, 09:56 | Tags: Resilience Early Career Researcher Warwick news 2023

Research Funding Opportunities at Warwick

On this page you will find current internal funding opportunities for research development, as well as a variety of impact-related and IAA funding opportunities.
Research Funding Opportunities at Warwick.

Fri 17 Mar 2023, 11:08 | Tags: Internal Funding 2023

Carbon Literacy Training Course

Discover how you can take action and work towards a sustainable future

It’s widely understood that we are in a state of climate emergency, with human intervention largely responsible.

On this five-week course, you’ll be introduced to key concepts in climate literacy, covering carbon footprints, carbon neutrality, greenhouse gas emissions, and how they contribute to the current climate emergency.

You’ll examine local and international commitments and develop strategies to take proactive climate action. You’ll learn to communicate climate change issues to various audiences, raise awareness, and reduce individual and collective carbon footprints.

Wed 08 Mar 2023, 10:41 | Tags: 2023

Green Week

Green Week is an annual partnership between the University of Warwick, Coventry University, our Student Unions, and you! It’s a time when we celebrate the environment, promote what we do, educate on how we can be more sustainable in our day-to-day lives, and take action. This year we will be showcasing our achievements and projects, encouraging people to participate in events, and asking people to do Small Acts that together will make a big difference.

Check out the full list of events on our Events page or the Green Week website. Please note that booking is essential for some events.

Interested in volunteering with us during Green week? Sign up now!

Wed 08 Mar 2023, 10:38 | Tags: Green Week 2023

Engaging Citizens to expand understandings of risks, vulnerabilities and data collection opportunities

This is an interview provided by Prof. Jon CoaffeeLink opens in a new window and IGSD's Dr. Vangelis PitidisLink opens in a new window from the University of Warwick, leaders of the EU H2020-funded proJECT RiskPACC Work Package 2 '“Engaging Citizens to expand understandings of risks, vulnerabilities and data collection opportunities”. In this interview WP2 leaders present the outcomes of the work undertaken in the contex of their Work Package, but also express some general ideas regarind the overall contribution of Warwick University in the Project.

Tue 28 Feb 2023, 15:47 | Tags: Resilience Sustainable Cities RiskPACC 2023

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