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IGSD thematic priorities

IGSD thematic priorities

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Opportunity to work with Sustainability Team

The University is firmly committed to the principles of sustainability and recognises that our activities impact upon the environment through our routine operations, infrastructural development, and our influence on the wider community.

Universities and colleges have a critical role to play in delivering the United Nations (UN) Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and as such many, including University of Warwick, have signed The SDG Accord. This is a commitment learning institutions are making to one another to do more to deliver the goals, to annually report progress. We would like to further our understanding of our current contribution to the United Nation’s Sustainable Development Goals and ways in which this can be measured.

To support the University in updating its understanding of our current contribution towards the UN SDGs. For more information and to apply please see hereLink opens in a new window

Mon 24 Jul 2023, 09:55 | Tags: SDG 4 Quality Education 2023

Delegation from UGM Universitas Gadjah Mada

University of Warwick welcomes a delegation from Universitas Gadjah Mada today.

Mon 10 Jul 2023, 17:18 | Tags: Resilience SDG 4 Quality Education 2023

ECR STS - huge success!

Last week we had our first ever ECR Sustainability Training School at Warwick! It has been a huge success, thanks to all the support we had received and our participants!

The ECR STS brought together participants from 26 countries, of different age, religion, philosophy, and discipline - embodying the very spirit of future solutions to sustainable development for a more resilient world. The participants enjoyed a great hospitality that only Warwick can offer 😉, including the weather! They also shared their individual research, with in-depth feedback, and learned to work together through team-building skills and group projects. They were exposed to innovative methods, public and policy engagement; and enjoyed their sustainability trails, and engagement with sustainability champions and strategic partner-networks. Team IGSD - well done - you rock!

#research #sustainabledevelopment #training #EarlyCareerResearchers #IGSD #EUTOPIA #MONASHAlliance #TheGUILD #UNSDSN UK

The researchers tackling the world’s climate-driven water crisis

IGSD Dr Feng Mao and researchers across the globe are collaborating to tackle the threat of climate change to humanity – thanks to the Futures Climate Research Cohort Programme established by the Association of Commonwealth Universities (ACU) and the British Council.

Championing sustainable development at Warwick

An interview with Elena Korosteleva, the IGSD’s Director, about the role and function of the Institute.

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