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IGSD thematic priorities

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Prof. Korosteleva spoke to the Minsk Express podcast at the Lithuanian TR station in Vilnius, 23 October

Prof. Korosteleva was interviewed by Maksimus Milta, a Yale graduate, about her book 'Belarus in the XXI century' as part of the Minsk Express podcast. She also gave her perspective on the developments in Belarus and the wider region. Full episode is available here:

If you use Spotify, you can access it here:

or via Apple Podcasts:

IGSD Thematic Fellow interview: Playground Cities

Jonathan Clarke, IGSD Thematic FellowLink opens in a new window, was interviewed about flooding on LBC on 18 October. See here:

Jonathan also features in a recent article in The Independent about Playground Cities. Does the death of the high street matter – if we are in a new era of the ‘Playground City’? | The Independent

Fri 27 Oct 2023, 15:59 | Tags: Sustainable Cities, IGSD Thematic Fellows

School for Cross Faculty Studies appoints Director of Research and Director of Impact

IGSD, in School for Cross faculty Studies, is proud to announce the appointment of Dr Feng MaoLink opens in a new window as the new Director of Research and Dr Vangelis PitidisLink opens in a new window as the new Director Impact. Please join us to congratulate them both on this prestigious achievement and look forward to working on Warwick's REF 2028.Link opens in a new window

Mon 23 Oct 2023, 10:11 | Tags: Vangelis Pitidis, Research Impact, Feng Mao, REF 2028

Horizon Europe SHAPEDEM-EU annual progress meeting in Krakow

Horizon Europe SHAPEDEM_EU project, launched in October 2022, has had its first annual in-person meeting in Krakow on 9-11 October 2023. The meeting brought together 12 institutional members of the consortium, to share and discuss knowledge co-production by different Work-Packages (WPs), and to engage with the EU officials on the developments in the EU neighbourhoods. In particular, Warwick team leading WP2 on assessing democracy promotion in the eastern neighbourhood, engaged with WP1 - the conceptual framework of the project - and discussed the progress and challenges for WP2 in undertaking fieldwork in Eastern Europe and capturing perceptions and practices of democracy on ground, covering Belarus, Ukraine, Moldova, and the Caucasus - the countries affected by war, conflict, and internal/external oppression.

Warwick University Appoints EKKI Co-CEO Kanishka Arumugam as IGSD Honorary Fellow

Kanishka Arumugam, Co-CEO of EKKI Water Technologies, has been appointed as an Honorary Fellow at the University of Warwick's Institute for Global Sustainable Development (IGSD)Link opens in a new window.
Kanishka joined us at Scarman in June 2023 for our Sustainability Training SchoolLink opens in a new window and gave an innovative plenary to our successful early career researcher closing the week for our cohort. We hope to welcome Kanishka again to speak and inspire the cohort at our training school in April 2024.

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