Liberal Arts With English

A route in Liberal Arts with English and Comparative Literary Studies at Warwick respects long-established literary and historical questions, yet remains undeniably modern and cutting edge.
Everything that inspires and excites you is particular to you alone. You can make the most of these interests by being alongside like-minded people whose lives are made meaningful by a love of books; people who understand and feel the power derived from words.
Why study Liberal Arts with English?
In your Liberal Arts modules you will explore how ideas evolve and circulate in particular social contexts; for example, how ideas from medicine and technology feed into literary and cultural productions and, conversely, how ideas from books and films impact the way we think about science. You will be introduced to the idea that literature and other cultural works shape rather than simply reflect society.
A route in English and Comparative Literary Studies allows a deep dive into these topics. Your route modules will invite you to embrace literature's ability to change thinking, beliefs, and societies, but to also understand the mechanisms at work that afford it such power. English at Warwick doesn’t follow the conventional path of ‘study the text, understand the text, write about the text’. Texts are put on their feet. Yes, your love of books will be deepened, but studying English will also ignite your feelings about the world around you on personal and global levels. Studying literature will make you ask questions: it will energise, politicise, enrage, and more.
You may be interested in the following English modules:
- Drama and Democracy;
- Literature, Environment, Ecology;
- Literature and Empire: Britain and the Caribbean to c.1900;
- Queer and There: Queer Theory and the History of Sexuality in the Global Context.
Please note:
- To study this route:
- In the first year you must study at least ONE of the following four 30 CAT modules:
- In your second and final years, you must study a minimum of 60 CATS of English modules across both years combined (you can choose which ones to take when).
- Module offerings change annually and so individual modules may vary.
Visit the English and Comparative Literary Studies websiteLink opens in a new window for more information on the English modules.