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Anti-Racist Pedagogy and Process in HE

The Circle was delighted to host an Anti-Racism Pedagogy and Processes Conference on Friday 30 June from 9:30 to 16:00 at Scarman Conference Centre at the University of Warwick.

The conference was a platform for educators, researchers, and activists to come together and share their knowledge, experiences, and strategies to address racism in educational settings. It provided a forum for critical discussions, workshops, and presentations that will challenge and inspire us to advance anti-racist processes in our communities.

Please check out the event web page here.

Various reports on student attainment and experience in Higher Education has shown a clear and substantial difference in the attainment, progression and overall experience of students who identify as Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic (BAME) compared to those who identify as White. It is now widely accepted that the disparity in outcome and experience reflected in this research cannot be attributed to any kind of cultural deficit among ethnic minority students, but is the direct result of practices and processes within the University itself that disadvantage specific communities of ethnic minority students. One specific area of concern has been the way teaching practice, content and environment contributes negatively to ethnic minority student experiences and attainment.

Participants in this Learning Circle will:

  • Systematically review and critically appraise research and initiatives across the sector relevant to ethnic minority students and staff experiences in higher education
  • Identify areas of teaching and learning across the university that negatively contributes to ethnic minority student experiences and make recommendations for improvement or change
  • Produce guidance for academic and professional services staff on creating anti-racist and inclusive learning environments and support
  • Explore ways anti-racist pedagogy can be embedded across departments in the university

The aim of this Learning Circle is to inform institutional deliberations on issues of ethnic minority student experiences and attainment, as it relates to teaching and learning, and the creation of inclusive education through the engagement and practice of anti-racism.


The Learning Circle continues to meet regularly to discuss embedding anti-racist pedagogy throughout the institution. We also continue to facilitate and support two initiatives of the Learning Circle:

Tackling Racial Inequality at Warwick: Staff Development Programme (launched in November 2020)

Anti-Racist Pedagogy Teaching Forum (launched in early 2020)

Meeting dates

If you wish to find out more or join this Learning Circle, please contact Prof Olanrewaju Sorinola (, Poonam Pedley ( or the WIHEA team (

Current members of this Circle:
  • Olanrewaju Sorinola (Co-lead)
  • Poonam Pedley (Co-lead)
  • Lazaros Andronis
  • Jo Angouri
  • Anil Awesti
  • Freeha Azmat
  • David Bather-Woods
  • Lewis Beer
  • Christine Bradford
  • Siri Chongchitnan
  • Richard Clay
  • Ursula Clayton
  • Nathalie Cooper
  • Susie Cowley-Haselden
  • Juliana Cunha Carneiro
  • Imogen Davies
  • Aysu Dincer Hadjianastasis
  • Valentina Donzella
  • Rosie Doyle
  • Caroline Elliott
  • Fiona Farnsworth
  • Ben Ferguson
  • Lisa Field
  • Ross Forman
  • Daniel Franklin
  • Letizia Gramaglia
  • Inca Hide-Wright
  • Mark Hinton
  • Christoph Hoerl
  • Robert Horton
  • Rob Huckstepp
  • Andrea Klaus
  • Wayne (Chun Wai) Kwong
  • Jo Lee
  • David Lees
  • Percy Lim
  • Celine Martin
  • Kelly Mayjonade-Christy
  • Natasha Nakariakova
  • Martyn Parker
  • Dani Pearson
  • Simon Peplow
  • Lydia Plath
  • Sophie Reissner-Roubicek
  • Tom Ritchie
  • Emily Roisin Reid
  • Karoline Schneider
  • Gavin Schwartz-Leeper
  • Sanjay Sharma
  • Kulbir Shergil
  • Karen Simecek
  • Bobby Smith
  • Julie Taylor
  • Anne Wilson
  • Yaz Yeahia