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Institutional Athena Swan silver award and commitment to trans inclusion

The University of Warwick has successfully renewed its Athena Swan Silver award. We'd like to thank the Athena Swan self-assessment team and the Gender Taskforce for their extensive work on this project and connected work, which intersects with and supports ours.

Through joint-working, our Athena Swan action plan for 2024-2028 reaffirms our institutional commitment to 'recognising that individuals can determine their own gender identity, and tackling the specific issues faced by trans and non-binary people' and 'work on trans-related issues and gender as non-binary / a continuum, raising awareness of this among students and staff, and ensuring that Warwick is a fully inclusive environment.' Key milestones and outcomes which form part of the institutional action plan include:

  • Reduction of misgendering and normalising the non-assumption of gender based on appearance.
  • Further educational resources and trans-inclusive training to increase awareness of the specific issues faced by trans and non-binary people.
  • Increasing the percentage of staff who have taken the Pronouns Pledge; distributing pronoun badges to staff and students; observing International Pronouns Day.
  • Trans-inclusive demographic data collection (ensuring trans and non-binary people are provided with options to accurately record and reflect their identities); data analysis to provide insights.
  • Developing trans-inclusive pedagogies, improving understanding of trans students' needs and de-centring cis perspectives in the curriculum.

You can find out more about this work here, including the full action plan.

Tue 13 Feb 2024, 21:29 | Tags: update