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LGBTQ+ Inclusive Teaching & Learning Prompts

Based on the Ward-Gale Model of LGBTQ+ Inclusivity, this resource provides a series of reflective and practical questions aimed at increasing awareness, integrating additive approaches, and engaging with transformative practices in your teaching and learning.

It is designed for use in conjunction with the programme's resource detailing the Ward-Gale Model of LGBTQ+ inclusive teaching.

How to Use the Prompts

The prompt questions are organised under three main sections that reflect the stages of inclusivity as set out in the Ward-Gale Model: Increasing Awareness, Additive Approaches, and Transformative Practice. Each section contains sub-sections with questions to guide you in specific areas. Additionally, there is a set of general questions that address overarching principles of LGBTQ+ inclusivity.

  1. Increasing Awareness: This section includes questions to help you develop a basic understanding of diverse gender and sexual identities, avoid outdated and offensive terminology, and challenge assumptions about gender and sexuality.

  2. Additive Approaches: Here, you will find questions designed to help you make gender and sexual diversity visible within your curriculum through examples, readings, thematic content, guest speakers etc.

  3. Transformative Practice: This section offers questions that encourage you to take proactive measures to ensure your curriculum explores gender and sexual diversity, supports critical discussions, and embeds diversity and inclusive practices throughout.

  4. General Questions: These questions address the underlying principles of LGBTQ+ inclusivity and help you reflect on your overall teaching practices.

This resource is part of the Queering University programme, which offers a wide variety of further resources, events, initiatives and support.