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Gregory Moorlock

Job Title
Associate Professor (Teaching Focussed)
WMS - Health Sciences

Greg Moorlock is an Associate Professor, specialising in bioethics. He is Academic Lead for Phase 1 of Warwick Medical School's MBChB course, and Overall Academic Lead for the Values, Law and Ethics Theme of the MBChB. He teaches ethics and law extensively throughout all phases of the MBChB, and delivers ethics CPD courses to those working in healthcare. Greg's research focuses on ethical issues related to organ donation and transplantation. He is Chair of the European Society of Transplantation's ELPAT Working Group on Living Donation, and a member of the Advisory Group for the DHSC-commissioned evaluation of changes to organ donation in England. He is also a member of the Institute of Medical Ethics' assessment working group. He is Project Partner for the 'Nursing Care in Complex Care Situations' EUTOPIA Connected Learning Community. Greg is a member of clinical ethics and research ethics committees.

Title Funder Award start Award end
NIHR Fellowship awarded to Univ of Birmingham. Collaboration Agreement for Heather Draper involvement: NEUROlogical Prognosis After Cardiac arrest in Kids: Derivation, validation and impact assessment of a clinical prediction model ('The NEURO-PACK study') National Institute for Health Research (DoH) 01 Mar 2018 28 Feb 2019
A Shared Space and a Space for Sharing: A Transdisciplinary Exploration of Online Trust and Empathy ESRC 01 Jan 2017 31 Dec 2017