Contact us
Student enquiries
You may find the information you need in Study with Us, or if you are already a student with us, in Current StudentsLink opens in a new window.
If you cannot find the information required, please contact one of the teams below.
Postgraduate Office Tel: +44(0)2476 524641 Undergraduate Office Tel:+44(0)2476 528437
If you are a current or prospective student please email one of the teams below.
Postgraduate Taught
Postgraduate Research
Staff/HR enquiries
The Department of Chemistry
University of Warwick
United Kingdom
Tel: +44 (0)24 76 523875
For enquiries please email the Chem-Admin team.
Looking for a member of staff?
Contact them directly through our
Staff pagesLink opens in a new window
View us on the interactive campus mapLink opens in a new window