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Developing A Solvothermal Reaction Cell for in situ Neutron Scattering of Crystallisation

Supervisors: Professor Richard Walton, Department of Chemistry, University of Warwick & Dr Helen Playford, STFC ISIS Facility, Harwell Campus

The aim of this project is to develop neutron diffraction methods for understanding the crystallisation of functional inorganic solids, such as catalysts and materials with electronic properties. This will enable more efficient materials synthesis to be developed in the future. The project is a collaboration with ISIS, the UK’s neutron spallation source (, and will involve the design, construction and use of a new reaction cell for in situ studies. The materials produced will be analysed in Warwick’s Materials and Analytical Science Building using a variety of techniques, including diffraction, spectroscopy and electron microscopy. The project is part-funded by an ISIS facility development award and the student will be expected to up to one year in total working at the facility during data collection and data analysis.

Start date: 23/09/19

Please note that this PhD place has been filled.