Developing fast magic-angle spinning (MAS) NMR methods for applications to both organic and bio-molecules in the solid state
Supervisors: Steven P. Brown (Physics) and Jozef R. Lewandowski (Chemistry)
Partner: Bruker
In this project that is supported by Bruker, you will develop MAS NMR methods that make use of state-of-the-art fast MAS technology. The project will combine experimental solid-state NMR in the University of Warwick Magnetic Resonance Laboratory (a suite of solid-state NMR spectrometers up to 700 MHz, also hosting the UK 850 MHz Solid-State NMR Facility, with a 1 GHz system to be delivered in 2020) with simulation, e.g., using the SIMPSON software that implements the density operator quantum-mechanics description of the NMR experiment. The focus will be on developing solid-state NMR methods using model compounds, of relevance for application to moderately sized pharmaceutical molecules and biological systems.
Start date: 23/09/19
Please note this PhD place has now been filled