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Chemistry modules and placements

Chemistry students talking in department

About our Chemistry modules at Warwick

We offer the same core modules for Year 1 and 2 in all our undergraduate chemistry courses.

In Years 3 and 4, you have the flexibility to choose optional modules tailored to your own interests - additionally, our four-year courses offer the opportunity to undertake a cutting-edge research project with one of our academic research groups.

Students working on an experiment

Upcoming changes to modules

We are planning to make some changes to our undergraduate Chemistry degrees for 2025 entry. Changes to core and optional modules go through the University's rigorous academic processes.

As changes are confirmed, we will update the course information on our university study pages. It is therefore very important that you check our study pages for the latest information before you apply and prior to accepting an offer.

Undergraduate Chemistry degree modules

You can find information on all modules across our courses below.

If you have a specific course you are thinking of applying to, you can find out about the modules as part of the course by clicking on the following course titles:

Year 3

    MChem with Industrial Placement students spend a full year in industry during Year 3 with some distance learning.

    MChem with International Placement students take the summer term abroad which replaces the laboratory sessions.

    Student in classroom

    Optional modules for year 3

      You will choose optional modules to tailor your degree to your interests. There is a broad selection of optional modules to choose from in both years three and four. These delve further into aspects of Chemistry along with extended lab work, giving you a broad and deep understanding of the subject.

      Representative optional modules in Year 3 include:

      Chemistry student performing an experiment

      Year 4

        Student and professor in conversation

        Optional modules for Year 4

          You will choose optional modules to tailor your degree to your interests. There is a broad selection of optional modules to choose from in Year 4. These delve further into aspects of Chemistry, giving you a better understanding of the state-of-the-art in the subject.

          Representative optional modules in Year 4 include:

          Students walking on campus

          Chemistry placements and internships

          Placements are a great way to enhance your Chemistry degree by undertaking research projects at industrial or academic partners.

          You have the option of industrial placements (UK or overseas), or academic placements across Europe, Singapore or Australia.

          Chemistry students in conversation