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Events @ Warwick Chemistry

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Thu 20 Mar, '25
“Molecular Wires and Nanorings Based on Porphyrins - Synthesis and Charge Transport”, Prof Harry Anderson, University of Oxford
IMC 0.02 Auditorium, WMG

Prof Anderson won the RSC 2024 Organic Chemistry Open Prize (Pedlar Prize) for work on the synthesis and investigation of pi-conjugated macrocycles and new carbon allotropes. He joins us to deliver his RSC prize winner lecture.

Thu 27 Mar, '25
WISBIC Opening Symposium
IBRB, Gibbet Hill

We are delighted to announce the establishment of the Warwick Integrated Structural Biology Centre (WISBIC) opens in a new window. To celebrate we will be holding an Opening Symposium on Thursday March 27th to showcase structural biology research from across the region

Wed 9 Apr, '25
"Fantastic Plastics and Where to Inject Them", Prof Seb Perrier RSC Lecture

A Departmental Research Seminar and RSC Lecture. Refreshments available from 12.45

Wed 28 May, '25
Department of Chemistry Postgraduate Symposium 2025
Science Concourse

The Annual Departmental Postgraduate Symposium will take place on Wednesday 28 May 2025 from 09:00 on the Science Concourse. It will be a great day, showcasing the excellent research being undertaken by our PhD and MRes students. Over 200 staff and students will attend.

Please make every effort to be there to hear about our research, and support our postgraduates.

The day will comprise of talks from our third/fourth year PhD students, and posters from our MRes and earlier stage PhD students.

A schedule for the day and the programme of talks will be added in due course.

Information for presenters:

Talks have a 20 min slot please aim to talk for for 15-18 mins to allow a couple of minutes for questions. All rooms are fitted with computers (so you can assume that PC version of PowerPoint will run) but you can plug a laptop in if you prefer. Basic laser pointers (which can point but not change the slides) will be provided but you are welcome to bring your own along. Session chairs for the talks will be assigned. Talks will be assessed by academic and research staff.

Posters can be A1 landscape or portrait, or A0, but please note ONLY portrait if in A0. Posters will be assessed by academic and research staff. A number will indicate which board you should use.

There will be prizes for the best talks (winner and runner up for each session) and posters (winner and two runners up). Academic staff and postdoctoral researchers will vote for these via an online system.

Hope everyone has a wonderful day.

Postgraduate Programme Team

Wed 11 Jun, '25
'Multiscale Materials Design for Sustainable Energy Conversion and Storage'. Prof Qiong Cai, University of Surrey

Prof Kai joins us to deliver this departmental seminar. All are welcome. Refreshments will be served outside PLT at 12.45.

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