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Events @ Warwick Chemistry

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Thu 20 Mar, '25
“Molecular Wires and Nanorings Based on Porphyrins - Synthesis and Charge Transport”, Prof Harry Anderson, University of Oxford
IMC 0.02 Auditorium, WMG

Prof Anderson won the RSC 2024 Organic Chemistry Open Prize (Pedlar Prize) for work on the synthesis and investigation of pi-conjugated macrocycles and new carbon allotropes. He joins us to deliver his RSC prize winner lecture.

Thu 27 Mar, '25
WISBIC Opening Symposium
IBRB, Gibbet Hill

We are delighted to announce the establishment of the Warwick Integrated Structural Biology Centre (WISBIC) opens in a new window. To celebrate we will be holding an Opening Symposium on Thursday March 27th to showcase structural biology research from across the region

Wed 11 Jun, '25
'Multiscale Materials Design for Sustainable Energy Conversion and Storage'. Prof Qiong Cai, University of Surrey

Prof Kai joins us to deliver this departmental seminar. All are welcome. Refreshments will be served outside PLT at 12.45.
