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Prof Melanie Bailey Seminar

Prof Melanie Bailey

School of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering |
University of Surrey

"The SESIMIC Facility for Spatially Resolved Single and Sub-Cellular Omics"

A Departmental Research Seminar

PLT, The Science Concourse, 13:00 Monday 9 June 2025

Refreshment available outside PLT from 12.45


Single-cell analysis is a new and rapidly growing field that is shedding new insight into the cellular mechanisms behind the pathogenesis and treatment of infectious diseases and cancer. Cells, even within a single tissue, culture or biological fluid are highly heterogenous. Analysis of bulk material therefore only provides an average value, meaning that information is lost. Single cell transcriptomics and proteomics are already making major advances to understand infection, immunity and drug delivery. Single cell lipidomics is highly desirable to understand the endpoint of metabolism, but currently lags behind the other “omics” at single cell level. The SEISMIC facility for spatially resolved single and sub-cellular “omics” is a new multi-user BBSRC facility that is advancing single cell and sub-cellular measurements, for the benefit of bioscientists across the UK.

At SESIMC, we use capillary sampling to sample live cells or sub-cellular compartments under microscope observation. This method of sample capture can be coupled to chromatographic separation, which offers additional advantages in mitigating matrix effects and aiding peak assignment. We will show how live single-cell lipidomics can be achieved using capillary-sampled cells [1-3] as well as microfluidics [4]. We will also show single cell lipid profiles of cancer cells respond to drug and radiation treatment.

[1] Lewis, H.-M., et al. (2023). "Nanocapillary sampling coupled to liquid chromatography mass spectrometry delivers single cell drug measurement and lipid fingerprints." Analyst 148(5): 1041-1049.

[2] Saunders, K. D., et al. (2023). "Single-Cell Lipidomics Using Analytical Flow LC-MS Characterizes the Response to Chemotherapy in Cultured Pancreatic Cancer Cells." Analytical Chemistry 95(39): 14727-14735.

[3] von Gerichten, J., et al. (2024). "Single-Cell Untargeted Lipidomics Using Liquid Chromatography and Data-Dependent Acquisition after Live Cell Selection." Analytical Chemistry 96(18): 6922-6929.

[4] Kontiza, A., et al. (2024). "Single-Cell Lipidomics: An Automated and Accessible Microfluidic Workflow Validated by Capillary Sampling." Analytical Chemistry 96(44): 17594-17601.

Prof Melanie Bailey | University of Surrey