The Chemistry Common Room
Welcome to your new Chemistry Common Room!
Every aspect of its design stems from your ideas and input - so a big thank you for being so proactive! This room is your ultimate breakout space - perfect for informal study, socialising, and an escape between lectures and labs.
Your feedback made this transformation project possible! Keep sharing your valuable experiences through our feedback requests or anonymously through our form. We're thrilled to showcase the documented journey of this room's incredible makeover below.
You can find the Chemistry Common Room on the Science Concourse (B2.01). Find it on the interactive map.

Let the transformation begin!
The staff-student transformation group took the first step by setting up a fantastic set of principles and creating a preliminary CAD drawing to envision the room's potential after renovation. But we realised it needed more detail and didn't fully capture your valuable feedback from the consultation event. And guess what? We heard you loud and clear – over 100 of you wanted a comfortable and flexible space!
You told us you wanted the room to be:
Light and bright Relaxing Social Interesting
Multifunctional Colourful Relaxing Homely
Planning & Building

Visualising the perfect room
We brought your ideas to life and set the perfect tone by crafting a mood board. This captivating collage encapsulated the essence of your vision, ensuring seamless alignment with the intended atmosphere. Your valuable input guided us as you told us exactly what you wanted to see in the room, and based on that, we began building a tailored plan to make it a reality.
Based on your ideas, we incorporated:
More power sockets Better lighting Comfortable seating
AV equipment Group working space A place to eat

We're excited to announce that our common room is officially open! This space was crafted with your input and collaborative efforts, and we're incredibly grateful for your valuable ideas and feedback. We couldn't have brought this vision to life without you. We remain committed to continuous enhancement, and if you have any suggestions for further improvements, we encourage you to reach out to us. Our goal is to provide you with the tools and environments you require for a truly exceptional experience.
Thank you for being a part of our journey!
Quiet study spaces

B5.08, floor 5 in Chemistry
Discover Your Perfect Study Spot in Chemistry!
Did you know we have a study spot on the fifth floor of Chemistry? Just take the lift up to floor five and take a right through the doors. This space is dedicated to your learning experience, so head up for quiet study or revision.
You'll find:
PC stations
A photocopier
Study stations
A small innovation library
Power sockets