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Rebecca Wills wins WATE-PGR


Rebecca Wills (postgraduate student in the group of Peter O’Connor) is among the five winners of the first ever run of the Warwick Awards for Teaching Excellent for Postgraduate Research Students (WATEPGR) scheme. Based on nominations of academic staff and students, the panel selected her among more than 100 nominees.

Becky received the prize in recognition of her excellent work as a demonstrator in the Physical Chemistry year 1 laboratories hold by Vas Stavros and Giovanni Costantini. Her work. Comments from students include “Rebecca was motivational, supportive and every person who walked out the lab at the end of the day commented on how fantastic she was” and staff said “I have yet to see such an enthusiastic, motivated and inspiring demonstrator that has the ability to engage students”

Read more here.

Wed 05 Sep 2012, 13:35 | Tags: prize people AnalSciInst