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Chemistry wins WIHEA Warwick Employability Challenge

The Warwick Employability Challenge saw 12 teams, and 70+ students and staff from all areas of the University, come together to re-imagine employability. Congratulations Chemistry winners!

Fri 16 Jul 2021, 13:21 | Tags: news prize people Education

Dr Bo Kelestyn to deliver Guardian Masterclass in Design Thinking

Chemistry's Senior Lecturer, Dr Bo Kelestyn, offers her expertise in generating innovative ideas and bringing them to life through design thinking 101

Wed 14 Jul 2021, 16:35 | Tags: news, Education, Women in Chemistry

Chemistry's WATE Winners show 'everyday excellence'

Today we celebrate Chemistry's worthy Warwick Awards for Teaching Excellence winners 2021: Stefan Bon, Jim Judges, Dani Pearson and Mike Ward!

Wed 16 Jun 2021, 18:24 | Tags: news people Education

Warwick students and staff co-author RSC teaching book on Stereochemistry

Written, reviewed and tested by students, for students! As part of the RSC's latest series of tutorial textbooks, a team of students and staff have co-authored textbooks on Stereochemistry and Contextual Maths in Chemistry.

Warwick students Caroline Akamune and Matthew Taylor and academics Andrew Clark and Russ Kitson teamed up with Leeds student Michael Lloyd and academics Nimesh Mistry and Paul Taylor to create a new stereochemistry textbook. What makes this book different is that it is co-authored with students to be in the 'student voice' making it more accessible to the undergraduate reader. It is also written so it can be used in conjunction with a molecular modelling kit, in-line with research that shows rotating and manipulating objects (e.g. molecular models) with your hands helps with grasping spatial cognition concepts in your head!

The RSC Chemistry Student Guides series editing team includes Warwick's own Julie Macpherson.

Fri 23 Oct 2020, 16:54 | Tags: news people publications Education

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