Chemistry Work Experience Placements Week - 2025

Chemistry Work Experience Placements 2025
Tuesday, July 8th to
Thursday, July 10th, 2025
The Chemistry Department at the University of Warwick is offering a unique work experience placement opportunity for students (years 10, 11 and 12) from Coventry and Warwickshire schools. This work experience would suit individuals who are specifically looking to study Chemistry at the University of Warwick. The three-day programme will allow students to gain hands-on experience of working in a chemistry lab and provide an insight into studying at a top university as well.
You will work as part of a (30-student) group, to familiarise yourselves with analytical techniques such as IR, NMR and Mass spectrometry in our teaching labs. You will also work as part of a smaller (~ 5-student) team in the research labs of some of our academics, thus giving you the opportunity to engage with an actual research environment. Finally, each team will also present their reflections and their results to the rest of the participants on the last day, thus developing your communication skills.
The programme will run from Tuesday, 8th July, to Thursday, 10th July, 2025, from 9.30am to 16:30pm, on campus at the University of Warwick.
Eligibility Criteria
To apply for this opportunity, you must meet each of the following essential criteria:
- You are currently a Year 10, 11, or 12 student
- You are interested in pursuing a career in Chemistry
- You are considering applying for a Chemistry degree at Warwick University
- You have obtained agreement to attend from a parent/carer
- You have the support of your schoolteacher
- You will be able to attend the three-day programme at the University of Warwick
- Students who fulfil one of more of the following Widening Participation criteria:
- You are receipt of, or within the last six years has been eligible for, free school meals.
- You are living, or have lived in, local authority care
- You have caring responsibilities (young carer)
are especially encouraged to apply.
Application process
We are expecting a high number of applications for this event. Thus, each application will be assessed (on a rolling basis, every month) and places offered based on both meeting the eligibility criteria and on the quality of the student’s CV and personal statement.
The closing date for applications is Friday, 16th May 2025 at 5 PM. We will contact applicants and their respective schools in June (at the latest) to inform them as to whether they have been successful.
Student Application Form
If you experience any difficulties, or if you have any questions about the programme, please do contact us at