June plans
1. Viscosity paper to final draft
2. Science Progress article to final draft (depends on Matt and Angeliki)
3. Peptidoglycan progress
4. Submit MOAC PhD proposal
5. Sort out MOAC PhD submissions and follow the process
6. Aarhus - experiments
7. EPSRC fellowships panel - prepare and go
8. FDLD with Patrycja
9. Finish Chapter 4 of book
10. Work on two other chaoters of book.
1. Finish off viscosity work - Hopefully Completed???
2. Finish DNA shoulder work - Awaiting feedback on AO data
3. Finish off A,B,Z DNA work - Spermine Z DNA completed.
4. Write Viscosity paper - Written a possible intro, or part of intro, put together ish.
5. Start PCR project - Awaiting temp controllable LD cell.
1. Mellitin / gramicidin review paper - finish and submit
2. Yeast prion G1 paper - finish and submit
3. Design and order new peptide library
4. Web site!!!
5. CD "artifact" paper - draft (with Tim)
6. Aurein paper - draft (contact rachel denisson)
7. FPA of lipids to measure fluidity - preliminary experiments
1) Apply for the visa to Italy (annoying)
2) Do experiments with YgfE mutants
3) Finish first year end report
4) Finish transferrable skills module assignments
5) Start to create a poster for EBSA
Has put together her thesis chapters 1-5...done
1. Complete chapter 6- Results- melittin's structural changes in solution, detergents and lipids...nearly done!
2. Complete chapter 7- Results-Melittin insertion kinetics in lipids...I have done with the presentation of the data on paper but I still have to analyse them...!!!
3. Start chapter 8-Conclutions-Future work
1.) Acquire spectra of A, B and Z DNA as well as a spectra of concanavalin.
2.) Fabricate Etching rig. Designs submitted. Awaiting Rhod to give permission to construct the apparatus with Will.
3.) Continue write-up of the Capillary thesis chapter. Completed.
4.) Complete and present poster for postgraduate symposium. Completed.
5.) Continue with etching rate work. Awaiting etching rig. WYKO access approved by Engineering Dave.