The most rewarding projects are those shared with colleagues and (inter)national collaborators. The greatest social and economical impact over the next few decades is going to come from interdisciplinary research projects and related initatives spanning both academic and industrial institutions.
Our team has expertise in organic, macromolecular and supramolecular chemistry. We are interested in developing new methodologies and technologies that can enable the preparation of synthetic and biological (nano)materials with an optimum level of dimensional (at surfaces), compositional, architectural, topological and functional control. We are also interested in applying the methods, techniques and materials developed to help solve long-term and emerging problems that impact global economic and societal development such as nanotechnology, healthcare technologies and sustainability. We are actively seeking to develop new academic and industrial collaboration so if you recognise any collaborative opportunities please get in touch (
Exisiting collaborations
Prof Dave Haddleton (University of Warwick, Department of Chemistry)
Prof Seb Perrier (University of Warwick, Department of Chemistry)
Prof Pat Unwin (University of Warwick, Department of Chemistry)
Prof Julie Macpherson (University of Warwick, Department of Chemistry)
Dr Antonia Sagona (University of Warwick, School of Life Sciences)
Dr John Low (University of Warwick, Energy Innovation Centre, Warwick Manufacturing Group)
Dr Vishwesh Kulkarni (University of Warwick, School of Engineering)
Dr Jamie Baker (UCL, Department of Chemistry)
Prof Tom Davis (Monash University, Institute of Pharmaceutical Sciences/Australian Institute for Bioengineering and Nanotechnology)
Dr Kristian Kempe (Monash University, Institute of Pharmaceutical Sciences/Faculty of Engineering)
Dr Michael Whittaker (Monash University, Institute of Pharmaceutical Sciences)