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Andrew Marsh

Associate Professor (Reader)

Multidisciplinary and collaborative approaches to the synthesis and application of functional molecules. Understanding how the molecules we make interact with each other (supramolecular chemistry) and with biological targets for translation as therapeutics. Synthesis of heterocycles and nucleobase analogs that are able to self-assemble using hydrogen bonds and other non-covalent interactions. Discovery of protein targets for known bioactive molecules using phage display and affinity methods. Synthetic and biomolecular interactions using physico-chemical techniques including isothermal titration calorimetry, gel permeation chromatography, and NMR methods.

About me

Groups at Warwick


  • Reader, Senior Lecturer, Lecturer, University of Warwick
  • Research Fellow, Centre for Self-Organising Molecular Systems, University of Leeds
  • Royal Society European Exchange Fellow, EC Marie Curie (HCM) Fellow, Université Louis Paster, Strasbourg
  • Undergraduate and postgraduate study, Imperial College, London

I am working on the following projects at the moment:

  • Small molecule inhibitors for respiratory viruses (with Dr Phillip Gould, Coventry University , Professor Andrew Easton, School of Life Sciences)
  • Self-assembly of nucleoside gels (with Professor Steven Brown, Physics, Professor Jeffery T. Davis, University of Maryland, Professor Stefano Masiero, Bologna University)
  • New approaches to re-sensitising bacteria to antibiotics (with Professor David Roper, School of Life Sciences)

Andrew teaches organic and physical organic chemistry across all year groups. Currently I am module leader for:

CH271 Mechanistic and Biological Chemistry

CH3F5 Bioorganic Chemistry

I supervise graduate students for M.Sc. by research and Ph.D. study funded through a variety of routes. I am always pleased to hear from potential students and to discuss research projects

Magic-angle spinning NMR spectroscopy provides insight into the impact of small molecule uptake by G-quartet hydrogels G. N. Manjunatha Reddy*, Gretchen M. Peters, Ben P. Tatman, Teena S. Rajan, Si Min Kock, Jing Zhang, Bruno G. Frenguelli, Jeffery T. Davis, Andrew Marsh* and Steven P. Brown* Materials Advances, 2020, 1, 2236-2247. DOI: 10.1039/d0ma00475h 

Simvastatin sodium salt and fluvastatin interact with human gap junction gamma-3 protein A Marsh,* K Casey-Green, F Probert, D Withall, D A Mitchell, S J Dilly, S James, W Dimitri, S R Ladwa, P C Taylor, D R J Singer PLOS ONE 2016, DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0148266

G4-Quartet•M+ Borate Hydrogels. G M Peters, L P Skala, T N Plank, H Oh, G N M Reddy, A Marsh, S P Brown, S R Raghavan, and J T Davis* J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2015, 137, doi:10.1021/jacs.5b02753Link opens in a new windowLink opens in a new window 

Templated polymerizations on solid supports mediated by complementary nucleoside interactions. M Garcia, K Kempe, D M Haddleton,* A Khan, A Marsh* Polymer Chem 2015 DOI: 10.1039/c4py01783h

A G4•K+ Hydrogel Stabilized by an Anion. G M Peters, L P Skala, T N Plank, B J Hyman, G N Manjunatha Reddy, A Marsh, S P Brown, and J T Davis* J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2014, 136, 12596−12599. doi:10.1021/ja507506c

Use of freely available and open source tools for in silico screening in Chemical Biology. G W Price, P S Gould, A Marsh J. Chem. Educ., 2014 doi:10.1021/ed400302u.

Unexpected evolutionary proximity of eukaryotic and cyanobacterial enzymes responsible for biosynthesis of retinoic acid and its oxidation. A Millard, D J Scanlan,* C Gallagher, A Marsh, P C Taylor* Molecular BioSystems 2014 10, 380 - 383. DOI: 10.1039/c3mb70447e.

Nanostructures from tertiary amine N-oxide amphiphiles: M P Beecham, G J Clarkson, G Hall, A Marsh* ChemPhysChem, 2013, 14, 3909-3915. DOI:10.1002/cphc.201300775

A chemical genomics approach to identification of interactions between bioactive molecules and alternative reading frame proteins. P C Taylor,* A J Clark, A Marsh, D R J Singer, S J Dilly Chem. Commun., 2013, 49, 9588-9590. DOI: 10.1039/c3cc44647f.

Oxidation of tertiary amine derivatised surfaces to control protein adhesion: D A Dobrzanska, A L Cooper, C G Dowson, S D Evans, D J Fox, B R Johnson, C I Biggs, R K Randev, H M Stec, P C Taylor, A Marsh* Langmuir, 2013, 29, 2961–2970. doi: 10.1021/la4003719.

Nanodiamond Promotes Surfactant-Mediated Triglyceride Removal from a Hydrophobic Surface at or below Room Temperature X Cui, X Liu, A S Tatton, S P Brown, H Ye, A Marsh.* ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces 2012, 4, 3225–3232 DOI: 10.1021/am300560z

Personalized medicine - the impact on chemistry J Watkins, A Marsh, P C Taylor, D R Singer, * Therapeutic Delivery 2010, 1, 651-665. doi:10.4155/tde.10.64