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Julie MacPherson


My research covers a number of application-driven themes centered around electrochemistry, materials science, and new characterization techniques.

(1) Understanding the link between the material properties and electrochemical properties of carbon-based materials

(2) Development of synthetic boron doped diamond electrochemical sensors for a variety of different applications in healthcare and environmental monitoring (often in collaboration with industry).

(3) Metal electrodeposition: Production of novel nanostructures for use in energy conversion systems and understanding early stage nucleation and growth.

(4) Large scale electrogeneration (electrosynthesis) of disinfectants and useful chemical products

(5) Development of new analytical measurement techniques

The group uses a range of electrochemical techniques, but also works with scanned probe and scanning and transmission electron microscopy for high-resolution imaging of nanostructures. Fabrication of sensors and electrochemical cells using 3D printing, laser writing, and lithographic techniques.

I am significantly involved in the UK's first Collaborative Doctoral Training (CDT) Centre in Diamond Science and Technology (DST), I held a Royal Society Industry Fellowship with Element Six (2014-2018), aimed specifically at the development of BDD electrochemical sensors. I was awarded (2017) the Royal Society Innovation award for my work in this area.


For more information on the CDT in Diamond Science and Technology visit

For anyone wanting to get into the use of boron-doped diamond in electrochemistry, please read: A Practical Guide to Using Boron Doped Diamond in Electrochemical Research, PCCP, 2015, 17, 2935 DOI: 10.1039/c4cp04022h

Our most recent review on BDD as an electrode material is: Boron Doped Diamond: A Designer Electrode Material for the Twenty-First Century, Ann. Rev. Anal. Chem. 2018, 11, 463 DOI: 10.1146/annurev-anchem-061417-010107

Royal Society of Chemistry Geoffrey Barker Award (2020)

Royal Society Innovation Award for Boron Doped Diamond (BDD) Electrochemical Sensors (2017)

Royal Society Industry Fellow, in partnership with Element Six Ltd (2014-18)

Winner of the Warwick University Award for Teaching Excellence (2009)

McBain Medal (2006), Royal Society of Chemistry and Society of Chemical Industry

Marlow Medal and Prize of the Royal Society of Chemistry (2005)

Royal Society University Research Fellow (1999-2007)

Five times winner of Andrew McCamley Prize for best undergraduate lecturer in the Chemistry Department, University of Warwick (2017-18, 2012-13, 2006-07, 2002-03, 2000-01).

Julie teaches on the undergraduate modules CH273 Statistical Mechanics and Electrochemistry and CH406 Electrochemistry and Nanotechnology.

For postgraduate she teaches on CH914 Electroanalysis and Sensors 

Representative recent publications

Please visit my google scholar page and

my researchgate page

in order to get an up-to-date view of my publications