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Scott Habershon


The Habershon group is interested in developing and applying new computational methods to model chemical dynamics in complex systems.

Current interests include auto-construction of complex chemical reaction networks, efficient and accurate reaction rate calculations, and design of photo-switchable systems like photo-catalysts and sensors.

s dot habershon at warwick dot ac dot uk

02476 5 22754

Office G Block Office 3 (G207)

Habershon Group

Groups at Warwick


  • Scientific Computing Research Technology Platform
  • CDT in Heterogeneous Systems Modelling [HetSys]


  • PhD, University of Birmingham, UK [2001-2004, with Prof. Kenneth Harris and Prof. Roy Johnston]
  • PDRA in group of Prof. Ahmed Zewail, California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, USA [2004-2005]
  • PDRA in group of Prof. David Manolopoulos, University of Oxford, UK [2005-2010]
  • Leverhulme Trust Early Career Fellow, University of Bristol, UK [2010-2012]
  • Assistant Professor, Department of Chemistry, University of Warwick, UK [2012-2016]
  • Associate Professor, Department of Chemistry, University of Warwick, UK [2016-2020]
  • Professor, Department of Chemistry, University of Warwick [2020-]

Current funding for projects in the Habershon group includes:

Current research interests include:

  • Development of new graph-based strategies for auto-construction of complex chemical reaction networks describing catalysis, combustion and atmospheric processes;
  • Development of new on-the-fly methods for modelling photochemistry using wavepacket-based strategies combined with machine-learning;
  • Design of molecular systems with photo-switchable properties, including sensors and photo-acids.
  • Development of fast and efficient methods for accurate reaction rate calculations.

I teach the following modules:

  • CH162 [Year 1, Physical Chemistry]: Module leader and lecturer in quantum mechanics
  • CH3F4 [Year 3, Molecular Structure and Dynamics]: Module leader

Current members of the Habershon Group:

  • Dr. Gareth Richings (Senior research fellow)
  • Dr. Christopher Robertson (PDRA)
  • Raphael Chantreau-Majerus (PhD student, MAS CDT)
  • Idil Ismail (PhD student, HetSys CDT)
  • Fei Gao (PhD student)
  • James Gardner (PhD student, co-supervised with Dr. Reinhard Maurer)
  • Wojciech Startk (PhD student, co-supervised with Dr. Reinhard Maurer)
  • Joe Gilkes (PhD student, HetSys CDT, co-supervised with Dr. Reinhard Maurer)
  • Kieran Harris (Masters by Research)
  • Jay Johal (MChem project student)

If you are interested in joining our research group, please get in touch!

Recent representative publications include: