Prof. dr. ir. Stefan Bon

Prof. dr. ir. Stefan Bon
Professor of Polymer and Colloid Chemical Engineering
+44 (0)2476 5 74009
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My office hours are: 17:00-18:00 on Tuesday at Polymer Café.
Stefan Bon is a professor at the University of Warwick in Polymer and Colloid Chemical Engineering. Originally from the Netherlands, educated at the Eindhoven University of Technology (TU/e), he joined Warwick Chemistry in spring 1998.
His research team, BonLab, works at the forefront of polymer and colloid science, by blending chemistry, with soft matter physics, and chemical engineering. The team is working with a variety of multinational industrial players to innovate in science, often using a green and sustainable approach.
He was awarded the 2015-2016 Royal Society of Chemistry Materials Division Outreach Lecturer
He is a recipient of a 2021 individual Warwick Award for Teaching Excellence (WATE).
He has chaired (2021) the future/new education workgroup in the STEM-Grand Challenge, and is the director of the STEM+ MSc courses Global Decarbonisation and Climate Change, which he co-designed and which were introduced in Autumn 2023.
He is a Fellow of the International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry (IUPAC), a member 2020- of the physical Newton international fellowship committee of the Royal Society, and he sits on the advisory board of two of the Royal Society of Chemistry scientific journals, RSC Applied Polymers and Soft Matter.