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Dr T Xu

SoE Department

Dr Tianhua Xu

Associate Professor - Reader

Tianhua dot Xu at warwick dot ac dot uk
+44 (0) 24 7652 8698


Dr. Xu received his Ph.D. degree in the area of Optical Communications and Intelligent Signal Processing in School of Information and Communication Technology (ICT), at Royal Institute of Technology (KTH), Sweden. Following this, he worked as a Postdoctoral Research Fellow at KTH and RISE Acreo Sweden and a visiting Research Fellow at Technical University of Denmark (DTU). After that, he worked as a Senior Research Fellow in Optical Networks Group (ONG) at University College London (UCL). Dr. Xu is a Reader in School of Engineering at University of Warwick, and he is also an Honorary Lecturer in Department of Electronic and Electrical Engineering at University College London (UCL).

His current research interests include optical communication systems and networks, intelligent signal processing, machine learning techniques, optical sensing systems and opto-electronics. He is a Senior Member of American Physical Society (APS) and a Fellow of Higher Education Academy. Dr. Xu is an Associate Editor of IEEE Access and Journal of the European Optical Society-RP. He has been the Chair of Optics in Digital Systems Technical Group in Optical Society of America (Optica), and the TPC co-chair/members of over 20 IEEE conferences, e.g. GLOBECOM, ICC etc. He is the project manager for an EU Horizon 2020 Grant and a UK National Grid Project. He has published over 200 journal and conference papers (including over 30 invited) and 2 invited book chapters.

Research Interests

  • Optical Communication Systems, Optical Transport Networks
  • Intelligent Signal Processing, Machine Learning Techniques
  • Transceiver and Channel Modelling for Linear and Nonlinear Optical Networks
  • Information Theory, Signal Shaping and Coding Theory for Nonlinear Optical Systems
  • Optical Sensing, Fibre Sensing Systems and Optoelectronics

Teaching Interests

  • ES4C4 Optical Communication Systems
  • ES335 Communications Systems
  • ES327/CS351 Undergraduate Student Projects
  • ES97N MSc Student Projects

Selected Publications

Full Publication ListLink opens in a new window and my Google ScholarLink opens in a new window (Citations 2995, H-index 32) pages can be found here.

Optical Communications, Intelligent Signal Processing and Machine Learning

  1. A module to enhance the generalization ability of end-to-end deep learning systems in optical fiber communicationsLink opens in a new window,” [IEEE/Optica] Journal of Lightwave Technology, Vol.43(2), pp.596 - 601, 2025.
  2. Second-order perturbation-based nonlinearity compensation using BiLSTM neural network in optical transmission systemsLink opens in a new window,” [IEEE/Optica] Journal of Lightwave Technology, In Press, 2025.
  3. Coupled-mode theory for cross-polarization coupling in optical fibersLink opens in a new window,” [IEEE/Optica] Journal of Lightwave Technology, In Press, 2025.
  4. "A low-cost multi-band waveform security framework in resource-constrained communicationsLink opens in a new window," IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, Vol.23(8), pp.9190-9205, 2024. (IF: 8.9)
  5. Autonomous microlasers for profiling extracellular vesicles from cancer spheroidsLink opens in a new window,” [ACS] Nano Letters, Vol.23, pp.2502-2510, 2023. (IF: 9.6)

Optical Sensing and Optoelectronics

  1. Dual-resonance optical fiber lossy mode resonance immunoprobe for serum PSA detectionLink opens in a new window,” [Elsevier] Biosensors and Bioelectronics, Vol.271, pp.117049, 2025. (IF: 10.7)
  2. Hollow-microsphere-integrated optofluidic immunochip for myocardial infarction biomarker microanalysisLink opens in a new window,” [Elsevier] Biosensors and Bioelectronics, Vol.248, pp.115970, 2024. (IF: 10.7)
  3. Lossy mode resonance optical fiber enhanced by electrochemical-molecularly imprinted polymers for glucose detectionLink opens in a new window,” ACS Sensors, Vol.9, pp.6185-6196, 2024. (IF: 8.3)
  4. Optimally configured optical fiber near-field enhanced plasmonic resonance immunoprobe for the detection of Alpha-FetoproteinLink opens in a new window,” [Wiley] Advanced Science, Vol.10, pp.202207437, 2023. (IF: 14.3)
  5. Liquid crystal -amplified optofluidic biosensor for ultra-highly sensitive and stable protein assayLink opens in a new window,” [Springer Nature] PhotoniX, Vol.2, pp.18, 2021. (IF: 15.7)

Academic Books

  1. “Higher-order modulation formats, constellation design, and DSP for high-speed transmission systems,” Chapter 9 in Optical Fiber Telecommunications VIILink opens in a new window, Academic Press, Oxford, 2020.

Funded Projects and Grants

Title   Funder Amount Duration
UPGRADE: Multiscale IoT Equipped Long Linear Infrastructure Resilience Built and Sustainable Development CoI EU Horizon Europe/UKRI €414K / €1.4628M 2025-2029
DIOR: Deep Intelligent Optical and Radio Communication Networks PI EU Horizon 2020 €338K / €1.8032M 2021-2027
Overhead Line Sagging Monitoring Using 5G Signals PI UK National Grid £285K 2023-2024
Deep Learning Based Constellation Shaping for Long-Haul Nonlinear Optical Fibre Communication Systems PI UK Royal Society £12K 2023-2025

Professional Activities and Memberships

Associate Editor of IEEE Access   2019-Now
Associate Editor of Journal of the European Optical Society-RP   2019-Now
Fellow of Higher Education Academy (HEA)   2022-Now
Fellow of Royal Statistical Society (RSS)   2023-Now
Senior Member of American Physical Society (APS)   2023-Now
Technical Program Committee (TPC) Member of IEEE GLOBECOM   2020-Now
Chair of the Optics in Digital Systems Technical Group in Optical Society of America (OSA/Optica)   2017-2018

Research Teams

  • Postdoctoral Research Fellows: Dr H Yan
  • Current PhD Students: J Uduagbomen, Y Wu, U Hijjawi, Y Wang, F Tian, X Cai, X Zhou
  • Completed PhD Students: Dr W Hu (2023), Dr C Jin (2023), Dr D Alqahtani (2023), Dr C Liu (2024), Dr J Wang (2024)


Topics for PhD Students and Research Fellows

  • Machine Learning Techniques in Optical Communication Systems
  • Intelligent Signal Processing for Optical Impairments Mitigation and Signal Detection
  • Optical Sensing, Optical Fibre Sensing and Optical Biosensing Systems

Topics for Research Visitors

  • Physical Layer Management in Optical Communication Systems and Networks
  • Machine Learning, Communication and Information Theory in Optical Communications
  • Optical Sensing Systems, Optical Fibre Sensing and Opto-Electronics