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Funding your graduate study

Tuition fees

Tuition fees are payable for each year of your course at the start of the academic year, or at the start of your course, if later. Academic fees cover the cost of tuition, examinations and registration and some student amenities. Research course fees are band 2.

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Multisensory assessment of built environment through immersive technologies

Qualification: Doctor of Philosophy in Engineering (PhD)

Start date: 6th January 2025

Application deadline: 1st December 2024

Mon 19 Aug 2024, 10:08 | Tags: PhD

EPSRC HyRES Hub PhD Scholarship: Development of efficient electro-catalysts for electrochemical synthesis of green ammonia

Qualification: Doctor of Philosophy in Engineering (PhD)

Start date: 30th September 2024

Application deadline: 30th August 2024

Fri 16 Aug 2024, 16:19 | Tags: PhD

Machine Learning-based Low Latency Holographic-type Communications

Qualification: Doctor of Philosophy in Engineering (PhD)

Start date: 6th January 2025

Application deadline: 1st November 2024

This project aims to reduce the network latency of HTC with a focus on adaptive bitrate streaming (ABR) algorithm. Innovative machine learning (ML)/artificial intelligence (AI) approach will be designed to deliver point cloud data by jointly considering network conditions, computing capability, and end users’ experience. The proposed approach will be validated in both simulation and real-world HTC testbed. A use case of an immersive telesurgery will be demonstrated in collaboration with medical and hospital partners in the UK.

Thu 04 Jul 2024, 15:29 | Tags: PhD

Ab initio thermoelectric transport calculations coupled to large-scale nanostructured materials

Qualification: Doctor of Philosophy in Engineering (PhD)

Start date: 30th September 2024

Application deadline: 30th June 2024

The project is part of a larger ERC grant (Undertaken by UKRI) and uses Density Functional Theory (DFT) coupled with advanced electronic transport methods to investigate the electronic and thermoelectric performance of complex electronic structure materials. The project develops multi-scale, multi-physics computational methods that use DFT-extracted material parameters and properties to be merged with quantum and semiclassical transport methods for nanostructures.

Fri 24 May 2024, 16:26 | Tags: PhD

Marie Skłodowska-Curie Doctoral Network PhD: “Metamaterials and metasurfaces for improved ultrasonic clinical screening”

The position and the research project

This full-time position will be available, subject to funding, from October 2024 and offered on a fixed-term 36-month contract. This post benefits from a highly competitive and attractive salary, plus mobility and family allowances as applicable. The research at The University of Warwick is part of Work Package 4 (Metamaterials for biomedical Ultrasonic Imaging) and 5 (Multi-Physics and Artificial Intelligence for improved metamaterials). The successful applicant will complete a research project on: “Metamaterials and metasurfaces for improved ultrasonic clinical screening”. The objectives of this project are:
(1) Design and construct holey-structured MMs for close-range sub-wavelength imaging
(2) Develop a testing apparatus in water tanks
(3) Demonstrate a hybrid method using MMs and lenses on test phantoms
(4) Investigate multiphysics MMs aided by AI for possible use in biomedical applications

Fri 24 May 2024, 14:00 | Tags: PhD

Mukul Madhav Foundation Scholarship

The Selection Panel will meet at the beginning of July. Applicants will be notified of the outcome by 31st July 2024 via e-mail.

Thu 25 Apr 2024, 13:28 | Tags: MSc (Taught)

Low-latency Communication System for Telerobotics

Qualification: Doctor of Philosophy in Engineering (PhD)

Start date: 30 September 2024

Funding for: 3.5 years

Thu 18 Apr 2024, 15:19 | Tags: PhD

Warwick and A-Star Joint Degree: Three Engineering Projects!

This is a unique opportunity to undertake a PhD program in both the UK and Singapore, spending years 1 and 4 at Warwick University and years 2-3 at SIMTech, A-Star Institute.

Carbon-negative acoustic dampening and insulating structures via digital biofabrication Dr Javier Munguia Xinying Deng
Enhancing protein secretion though model-guided high throughput experimentation Dr Alexander Darlington Ee Lui Ang, Fong Tian Wong
Multimodal NDT and monitoring of infrastructure using drones Dr Oksana Trushkevych Dr Andrew Ngo
Thu 08 Feb 2024, 11:21 | Tags: PhD

Fluid dynamics of impacting complex droplets

Qualification: Doctor of Philosophy in Engineering (PhD)

Start date: 30 September 2024

Funding for: 3.5 years

Supervisor: Dr Thomas Sykes

Thu 07 Dec 2023, 08:29 | Tags: PhD

Development of an Innovative Composite Steel and Cross Laminated Timber (CLT) Floor System

Qualification: Doctor of Philosophy in Engineering (PhD)

Funding for: 3.5 years

Supervisor: Professor Stephen Hicks

Fri 01 Dec 2023, 14:28 | Tags: PhD

Integrating machine learning and multiscale modelling for simulating fracture in materials with uncertainties

Funding for 3.5 years

Application deadline: Apply today!

Fri 01 Dec 2023, 13:30 | Tags: PhD

Quantum Transport through Graphene Nanoribbons

Funding for 3.5 years

Apply today!

Fri 01 Dec 2023, 13:25 | Tags: PhD

2024-W19 Environmental Digital Twins For Sustainable Water Management

 Applications must be submitted by 23:59 GMT on Wednesday 10th January 2024. 

Mon 13 Nov 2023, 11:29 | Tags: PhD

Ab initio thermoelectric transport calculations coupled to large-scale nanostructured materials

Start date: 8th January 2024

Application deadline: Apply today!

Funding for: UK Students for 3.5 years

Wed 01 Nov 2023, 15:00 | Tags: PhD

Advancing personalised mechanical ventilation through machine learning and advanced control algorithms

Qualification: Doctor of Philosophy in Engineering (PhD)

Start date: 1st April 2024

Funding for: 3.5 years

Supervisor: Dr Sina Saffaran and Professor Declan Bates

Wed 25 Oct 2023, 16:17 | Tags: PhD

Alumni Discount Scheme

The 10% tuition fee discount will be available to Warwick graduates who have Home/EU or Overseas fee status. You must be a graduate of Warwick at any level of qualification.

Fri 29 Sep 2023, 18:45 | Tags: MSc (Research), MSc (Taught)

PhD studentship in Quantum Engineering of Molecular Materials for Nanoscale Energy Generation

Funding for 3.5 years

Apply today!

Tue 08 Aug 2023, 17:11 | Tags: PhD

PhD Scholarship in Sustainable Heating and Cooling Technologies

Funding for 3.5 years

Apply today!

Tue 23 May 2023, 16:46 | Tags: PhD

PhD Scholarship: "Optics" with ultrasound using magnetostriction

Duration: 3.5 years

Apply now!

Wed 22 Feb 2023, 14:43 | Tags: PhD

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