Advanced Semiconductors

Semiconductors, Infrared detectors arrays, Uncooled discrete detectors
Unsteady turbulent flow, heat transfer simulation
Refrigeration, Heat Pumps, Air Conditioning, Adsorption, Absorption
catalysis and reactor design
Chemical microsensors/microsystems
Semiconductors, Harsh Environment and Power Electronics

Fluids, hypersonic aerothermodynamics
Power electronics, semiconductors and new concepts (theme leader)

John Murphy
Silicon materials for photovoltaics

Sustainable construction

Sustainable energy production

Evgeny Rebrov
Application of nonconventional energy sources

Vishal Shah
3C, 4H and 6H-SiC Power devices

Solar energy, energy storage, heat pumps and cooling technology
Heat driven systems, refrigerators, heat pumps, chillers, air conditioning units and cooling devices
Power modelling/control and monitoring, energy efficient actuators and systems
Fire and explosion safety

Jose Ortiz Gonzalez
Reliability of SiC and GaN power devices

Steven Metcalf
Heat pumps and heat recovery
development and modelling of medium-high voltage power Semiconductor Devices)