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Assistant Prof David Piaggio nominated & shortlisted for the WATE faculty award 2023

The ABSPIE Lab's Assistant Prof Davide PiaggioLink opens in a new window has been nominated, along with other 115 academics by their students, for the WATE faculty award. The WATE judging panels deliberated long and hard to identify those going through to the next round, with David being shortlisted along with other 6 colleagues from the SEM faculty.

The Warwick Awards for Teaching Excellence (WATEs) are a well-loved monument to the successful educators within the Warwick teaching community.The Faculty Awards recognise that much of what makes teaching, learning and assessment excellence flows from a deep understanding of and commitment to our distinctive disciplinary contexts.

Further information about the WATE awards are at opens in a new window

Thu 13 Apr 2023, 15:24