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Professor Declan Bates

Professor of Bioengineering

Systems Medicine - We use modelling, simulation, control, optimisation, and machine learning to advance research into the treatment of acute respiratory disease.

Engineering Biology - We use modelling, simulation, control, optimisation, and machine learning to advance research into the engineering of biological systems.

School of Engineering
University of Warwick

Room: D220
Phone: +44 (0)24 765 23142

D dot Bates at warwick dot ac dot uk

News | Research Interests | Teaching | Publications | Research Grants | Profile

News (2018-24)

  • October 2024: Our work is featured in a talk by Prof. John Laffey at the 37th European Society of Intensive Care Medicine Annual Congress in Barcelona.
  • September 2024: Delighted to present our work at the 2nd PLUG Physiology Symposium held in Harvard Medical School in Boston.
  • August 2024: Congratulations to Sonal, who has successfully completed her PhD and is off to pursue a career in industry - we will miss you!
  • July 2024: Delighted to be invited to serve as an Associate Editor of the journal Pulmonology.
  • June 2024: Congratulations to Hossein, who has followed in Liam's footsteps by winning the £1000 Best Poster prize at this year's Respiratory Care Convention in Nottingham.
  • January 2024: Great to get the Systems Medicine group together for exciting talks and lots of fun at the BIOREME Annual Conference in Nottingham.
  • October 2023: Our work is featured in a talk by Prof. Jean-Daniel Chiche, former President of the European Society of Intensive Care Medicine, at the 36th ESICM Annual Congress in Milan.
  • October 2023: Delighted to give a keynote talk at the Opening Symposium of the Centre for Computational Life Sciences at RWTH Aachen University.
  • May 2023: Our work with Italian colleagues on reverse engineering gene-regulatory networks is published in the new Special Issue of the International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control on "Control-Theoretic Approaches for Systems in the Life Sciences".
  • March 2023: Congratulations to Clara, whose paper on CPR protocols has just been published in Resuscitation!
  • November 2022: We are pleased to host the first Annual BIOREME Network Wide Meeting at Warwick on January 13th next year, featuring a day of talks on modelling in respiratory medicine. Register here!
  • August 2022: Huge congratulations to Sina, who has been awarded a 5-year Royal Academy of Engineering Research Fellowship to undertake research on automated mechanical ventilation at Warwick.
  • June 2022: Editorial in the British Journal of Anaesthesia on our recent paper. pdf
  • June 2022: Our work on COVID-19 is featured in the Daily Mirror.
  • April 2022: Our new paper on COVID-19 is featured on UKRI's website. See Warwick's press release here.
  • March 2022: Great to attend the 41st International Symposium on Intensive Care and Emergency Medicine with Liam and Sonal in Brussels, and to see our work featured in the 2022 Annual Update produced by the organisers!
  • February 2022: Honoured to participate in the British Journal of Anaesthesia's Twitter chat on six papers selected from the new Special Issue on Mass Casualty Medicine.
  • January 2022: Delighted to announce the launch of BIOREME, an EPSRC-funded Research Network on "Integrating Data-Driven Biophysical Modeling in Respiratory Medicine" - register for the launch event here!
  • August 2021: Huge congratulations to Alex, who has been awarded a 5-year Royal Academy of Engineering Research Fellowship to undertake research on engineering biology at Warwick.
  • August 2021: Congratulations to Liam, who has won the School's Institute of Mechanical Engineering prize for his undergrad project!
  • July 2021: Welcome back to Mathias, who has rejoined Warwick as a Senior Teaching Fellow.
  • July 2021: University press release on Liam's new COVID-19 paper.
  • July 2021: Congratulations to Sina, who has won Warwick's Faculty Thesis Prize for his PhD thesis, and to Ahmad, who won the best poster prize at the recent Metabolic Engineering 14 conference.
  • June 2021: University press release on Ahmad's new paper in Nature Communications.
  • April 2021: Congratulations to Liam who has won a School PhD studentship and will join the group in September.
  • April 2021: Editorial on our latest paper in the British Journal of Anaesthesia.
  • March 2021: Delighted to hear that our Healthcare Technologies New Challenges Network Plus proposal on "Integrating data-driven biophysical models in respiratory medicine (BIOREME)" is to be funded by EPSRC. Congratulations to the whole team at the Universities of Nottingham (Dr. Bindi Brook), Oxford (Prof. Peter Robbins), Manchester (Dr. Alex Horsley) and Imperial College London (Prof. Salman Siddiqui).
  • March 2021: A preprint of our new paper on COVID-19 is now on MedRxiv here.
  • November 2020: Congratulations to Sina, who will start a PDRA position at UCL in the new year.
  • September 2020: University of Warwick press release on our new COVID-19 paper.
  • September 2020: Two major papers from the group published this week - one from Alex in Cell Systems on resource allocation controllers, and another from Anup in Critical Care Explorations on COVID-19.
  • August 2020: Congratulations to Sina, who has passed his PhD viva subject to minor corrections!
  • July 2020: Our first paper on COVID-19 is in press at Critical Care Explorations.
  • June 2020: Very excited to get started on our new project funded under the UKRI Open call for research and innovation ideas to address COVID-19, with colleagues in Nottingham, Philadelphia, Galway and Stoke-on-Trent!
  • June 2020: Honoured to co-author an editorial with colleagues John Laffey, Jonathan Hardman, and Marc Chikhani in the British Journal of Anaesthesia on supporting multiple COVID-19 patients on a single ventilator.
  • May 2020: Congratulations to Nuno, whose paper on DNA controllers has just been accepted as a full paper in Automatica!
  • April 2020: Our new paper on lung protective ventilation in acute respiratory distress syndrome is published in the leading journal in the field of Critical Care Medicine! pdf
  • January 2020: Fully funded PhD studentship now available to work on computational simulation of acute lung injury - see project description here. For more information contact
  • January 2020: Congratulations to Sina, who has obtained a position as Teaching Fellow in the School of Engineering.
  • August 2019: Congratulations to Alex who has been awarded a BBSRC Flexible Talent Mobility Account Innovation Fellowship to work with Ingenza on potential commercial applications of his research.
  • July 2019: Excellent visit with Prof. John Laffey and his team at the NUI Galway Curam Research Centre on Medical Devices and the Intensive Care Unit at Galway University Hospital.
  • March 2019: Follow-up article on our Intensive Care Medicine article in the Science page of the Irish Times.
  • March 2019: Congratulations to Alex who has won the inaugural Faculty Post-Doctoral Research Prize for Engineering.
  • February 2019: News story on our research in the Irish Times.
  • February 2019: Our first paper with Dr. Nadir Yehya of the Children's Hospital of Philadelphia is published in the leading journal in the field of Intensive Care Medicine! Read the University press release on this research here.
  • October 2018: Very honoured to speak at the 8th Hedenstierna Laboratory Master Class Symposium in Uppsala University, Sweden, on our work on physiological modelling for intensive care and anaesthesia.
  • October 2018: New paper in Trends in Biotechnology with WISB Research Fellow Lauren Swiney looking at ways in which cognitive biases shape public perceptions of Synthetic Biology.
  • August 2018: Nuno and Alex will both be presenting their work at a special invited session on Biomolecular Computing and Feedback Systems at the upcoming IEEE CDC in Miami in December.
  • August 2018: Anup's new paper is published in the Journal of the Royal Army Medical Corps!
  • June 2018: Warwick University press release on Iulia's ACS Synthetic Biology paper.
  • May 2018: Congratulations to Alex, who has passed his PhD viva subject to minor corrections, and has already started as a PDRA in the group. Also welcome to Dr. Ahmad Mannan, who joins the group as a WISB PDRA. We expect great things!
  • May 2018: Congratulations to Iulia, whose paper with Mathias "A Framework for Engineering Stress Resilient Plants using Genetic Feedback Control and Regulatory Network Rewiring" has just been published in ACS Synthetic Biology!
  • April 2018: Congratulations to Mathias, who has taken up a lecturing position at Coventry University.
  • March 2018: Warwick University press release on Alex's Nature Comms paper.

Research Interests

  • Systems Medicine
    • Pulmonary and cardiovascular pathophysiology

    • Mechanical ventilation of critically ill patients

    • Personalised simulation and control technologies for the Intensive Care Unit

  • Engineering Biology
    • Systems and control theory for engineering biology

    • Modelling and simulation frameworks for robust model-based design of engineered biological systems

    • Design of engineered biological circuits and pathways

For papers and research grants related to my previous research on Aerospace Control, click here


Recent Publications

  • H. Yu , L. Weaver, S. Saffaran, R. Tonelli, L.S. Menga, Q. Zhang, J.G. Laffey, L. Camporota, T.E. Scott, A.M. Esquinas, D.L. Grieco, M. Antonelli, E Clini, and D.G. Bates, "External validation of machine learning models for identifying patients at risk of failing non-invasive ventilation", submitted.

  • S. Mistry, S. Saffaran, B. Brook, J.G. Hardman, J.G. Laffey, L. Rose, L. Camporota, T.E. Scott, and D.G. Bates, "Ventilator Induced Lung Injury with Airway Pressure Release Ventilation versus Pressure-Controlled Ventilation", submitted.
  • J. Kim, A.P.S. Darlington, D.G. Bates and J.I. Jimenez, "The interplay between growth rate and nutrient quality defines gene expression capacity", submitted.
  • H. Shamohammadi, L. Weaver, S. Saffaran, R. Tonelli, M. Laviola, J.G. Laffey, L. Camporota, T.E. Scott, J.G. Hardman, E. Clini, and D.G. Bates, "Airway pressures generated by high flow nasal cannula in patients with acute hypoxemic respiratory failure: A computational study", accepted for publication, to appear in Respiratory Research.
  • A.A. Mannan, A.P.S. Darlington, R.J. Tanaka, and D.G. Bates, "Design principles for engineering bacteria to maximise chemical production from batch cultures", accepted for publication, to appear in Nature Communications, 2024.

  • D.P. Byrom, D.G. Bates and A.P. S. Darlington, "Selection of control inputs for enhancing the long-term performance of synthetic gene circuits" to appear in the proceedings of the 63rd IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC), Milano, 2024.
  • A.P. S. Darlington, A.A. Mannan and D.G. Bates, "Host-aware design of a cellular closed loop control strategy for autonomous activation of biomanufacturing genetic switches", to appear in the proceedings of the 63rd IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC), Milano, 2024.
  • H. Yu, L. Weaver, S. Saffaran, R. Tonelli, J.G. Laffey, L. Camporota, T.E. Scott, J.G. Hardman, E.M. Clini, and D.G. Bates, "Machine learning models predict non-invasive ventilation outcome prior to its initiation", abstract presented at the 2nd PLUG Physiology Symposium, Boston, September 2024.
  • L. Weaver, H. Shamohammadi, S. Saffaran, R. Tonelli, M. Laviola, J.G. Laffey, L. Camporota, T.E. Scott, J.G. Hardman, E.M. Clini, and D.G. Bates, "Digital twins of acute hypoxic respiratory failure patients suggest a mechanistic basis for success and failure of non-invasive ventilation", Critical Care Medicine, 10.1097, 2024. pdf

  • S. Mistry, T.E. Scott, B. Jugg, R. Perrott, S.Saffaran, and D.G. Bates, "An in-silico porcine model of phosgene-induced lung injury predicts clinically relevant benefits from application of continuous positive airway pressure up to 8 hours post exposure", Toxicology Letters, 2023. pdf
  • A.P.S. Darlington, A.M. Mannan and D.G. Bates, "Natural host feedback simplifies the design of metabolic switches", in proceedings of the 62nd IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, Singapore, 2023. pdf
  • C.S. Barakat, K. Sharafutdinov, J. Busch, S. Saffaran, D.G. Bates, J.G Hardman, A. Schuppert, S. Brynjólfsson, S. Fritsch and M. Riedel, "Developing an Artificial Intelligence-Based Representation of a Virtual Patient Model for Real-Time Diagnosis of Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome", Diagnostics, 13(12), 2098, 2023. pdf
  • N.M.G. Paulino, M. Foo, T.F.A. de Greef, J. Kim and D.G. Bates, "A Theoretical Framework for Implementable Nucleic Acids Feedback Systems", Bioengineering, 10, 466, 2023. pdf
  • C. Daudre-Vignier, D.G. Bates, T.E. Scott, J.G. Hardman and M. Laviola, "Evaluating Current Guidelines for Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation using an Integrated Computational Model of the Cardiopulmonary System", Resuscitation, DOI:, 2023. pdf
  • K. Sharafutdinov, S.J. Fritsch, M. Iravani, P.F. Ghalati, S. Saffaran, D.G. Bates, J.G. Hardman, R. Polzin, H. Mayer, G. Marx, J. Bickenbach and A. Schuppert, "Computational simulation of virtual patients reduces dataset bias and improves machine learning-based detection of ARDS from noisy heterogeneous ICU datasets", IEEE Open Journal of Engineering in Medicine and Biology, 2023. pdf

  • L. Legon, C. Corre, D.G. Bates and A.A. Mannan, "gcFront: a tool for determining a Pareto front of growth-coupled cell factory designs", Bioinformatics, btac376,, 2022. pdf
  • A.P.S. Darlington and D.G. Bates, "Performance and robustness analysis of control strategies for ameliorating cellular host-circuit interactions", in proceedings of the 2022 European Control Conference (ECC), 2022. pdf
  • L. Weaver, S. Saffaran, M. Chikhani, J.G. Laffey, T.E. Scott, L. Camporota, J.G. Hardman, and D.G. Bates, "Why reduced inspiratory pressure could determine success of non-invasive ventilation in acute hypoxic respiratory failure", in proceedings of the 44th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, Glasgow, July 2022. pdf
  • S. Mistry, B.B. Brook, S. Saffaran, M. Chikhani, D. Hannon, J.G. Laffey, T.E. Scott, L. Camporota, J.G. Hardman, and D.G. Bates, "A computational cardiopulmonary physiology simulator accurately predicts individual patient responses to changes in mechanical ventilator settings", in proceedings of the 44th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, Glasgow, July 2022. pdf
  • T.C. Kwok, C. Henry, S. Saffaran, M. Meeus, D.G. Bates, D. Van Laere, G. Boylan, J.P. Boardman, and D. Sharkey, "Application and potential of artificial intelligence in neonatal medicine", Seminars in Fetal and Neonatal Medicine, DOI:, 2022. pdf

  • S. Mistry, A. Das, S. Saffaran, L. Camporota, T.E. Scott, J.G. Hardman, N. Yehya and D.G. Bates, "Validation of at-the-bedside formulae for estimating ventilator driving pressure during airway pressure release ventilation using computer simulation", Respiratory Research, 23:101,, 2022. pdf
  • L. Weaver, A. Das, S. Saffaran, N. Yehya, M. Chikhani, T.E. Scott, J.G. Laffey, J.G. Hardman, L. Camporota and D.G. Bates, "Optimising respiratory support for early COVID-19 pneumonia: a computational modelling study", British Journal of Anaesthesia, 128(6):1052e1058, 2022. pdf

  • F. Montefusco, A. Procopio, D.G. Bates, F. Amato and C. Cosentino, "Scalable Reverse-Engineering of Gene Regulatory Networks from Time-Course Measurements", to appear in the International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control, Special Issue on 'Control-Theoretic Approaches for Systems in the Life Sciences', 2022. pdf
  • M. Foo, O. Akman and D.G. Bates, "A modeling and design framework for synthetic control of circadian systems", NPJ Systems Biology and Applications, 8(7), 2022. pdf
  • D. Hannon, S. Mistry, A. Das, S. Saffaran, J.G. Laffey, B.S. Brook, J.G. Hardman and D.G. Bates, "Modeling mechanical ventilation in silico – potential and pitfalls", Seminars in Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine, Special Issue on Mechancial Ventilation, DOI: 10.1055/s-0042-1744446, 2022. pdf
  • L. Weaver, D.G. Bates and L. Camporota, "Positive end expiratory pressure in invasive and non-invasive ventilation of COVID-19 acute respiratory distress syndrome", Annual Update in Intensive Care and Emergency Medicine, Springer, DOI: 10.1055/s-0042-1744446, 2022. pdf
  • S. Mistry, A. Das, J.G. Hardman, D.G. Bates and T.E. Scott, "Application of pre-hospital continuous positive airway pressure in hypovolaemic shock: A modelling study", British Journal of Anaesthesia, Special Issue on Mass Casualty Events, 128(2):151:157, 2021. pdf
  • C. Daudre-Vignier, M. Laviola, A. Das, D.G. Bates and J.G. Hardman, "Identification of an optimal CPR chest compression protocol", in proceedings of the 43rd Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, 2021. pdf
  • L. Weaver, A. Das, S. Saffaran, N. Yehya, T.E. Scott, M. Chikhani, J.G. Laffey, J.G. Hardman, L. Camporota and D.G. Bates, "High risk of patient self-inflicted lung injury in COVID-19 with frequently encountered spontaneous breathing patterns: a computational study", Annals of Intensive Care, 11:109, 2021. pdf
  • A. Mannan and D.G. Bates, "Designing an irreversible metabolic switch for scalable induction of microbial chemical production", Nature Communications, DOI:10.1038/s41467-021-23606-x, 2021. pdf
  • M. Laviola, C. Niklas, A. Das, D.G. Bates and J.G. Hardman, "Ventilation strategies for front of neck airway rescue: an in silico study", British Journal of Anaesthesia, DOI:10.1016/j.bja.2021.01.030, 2021. pdf

  • J.E. Bowyer, C. Ding, B.H. Weinberg, W.W. Wong and D.G. Bates, "A mechanistic model of the BLADE platform predicts performance characteristics of 256 different synthetic DNA recombination circuits", PLoS Computational Biology, DOI:10.1371/journal.pcbi.1007849, 2020. pdf
  • A. Das, S. Saffaran, M. Chikhani, T.E. Scott, M. Laviola, N. Yehya, J.G. Laffey, J.G. Hardman, and D.G. Bates, "In silico modeling of COVID-19 ARDS: pathophysiological insights and potential management implications", Critical Care Explorations, DOI:10.1097/CCE.0000000000000202, 2020. pdf
  • A.P.S. Darlington and D.G. Bates, "Architectures for combined transcriptional and translational resource allocation controllers", Cell Systems, DOI: 10.1016/j.cels.2020.08.014, 2020. pdf
  • J. Laffey, M. Chikhani, D.G. Bates and J.G. Hardman, "Supporting more than one patient with a single mechanical ventilator: useful last resort or unjustifiable risk?", British Journal of Anaesthesia, DOI: 10.1016/j.bja.2020.05.029, 2020. pdf
  • A. Das, T.E. Scott, M. Haque, D.G. Bates and J.G. Hardman, "Management of primary blast lung injury: A comparison of airway pressure release versus low tidal volume ventilation", Intensive Care Medicine Experimental, DOI:10.1186/s40635-020-00314-2, 2020. pdf
  • N.M.G. Paulino, M. Foo, J. Kim and D.G. Bates, "On the stability of nucleic acid feedback controllers", Automatica, DOI:10.1016/j.automatica.2020.109103, 2020. pdf
  • S. Saffaran, A. Das, J.G. Laffey, J.G. Hardman, N. Yehya and D.G. Bates, "Utility of driving pressure and mechanical power to guide protective ventilator settings in two cohorts of adult and pediatric patients with acute respiratory distress syndrome: A computational investigation", Critical Care Medicine, DOI:10.1097/CCM.0000000000004372, 2020. pdf

  • A.P.S. Darlington and D.G. Bates, "Robustness analysis of combined transcriptional and translational resource allocation controllers", in proceedings of the 21st IFAC World Congress, Berlin, 2020.

  • N.M.G. Paulino, M. Foo, T.F.A. de Greef, J. Kim and D.G. Bates, "Minimally Complex Nucleic Acid Feedback Control Systems for First Experimental Implementations", in proceedings of the 21st IFAC World Congress, Berlin, 2020.

  • M. Foo, D.G. Bates and O.A. Akman, "A simplified modelling framework facilitates more complex representations of plant circadian clocks", PloS Computational Biology,, 2020. pdf
  • J.E. Bowyer, D. Chakravarti, W.W. Wong and D.G. Bates, "Mechanistic modelling of tyrosine recombination reveals key parameters determining the performance of a CAR T cell switching circuit", IET Engineering Biology, DOI: 10.1049/enb.2019.0020, 2020. pdf
  • M. Laviola, D.G. Bates and J.G. Hardman, "Mathematical and Computational Modelling in Critical Illness". European Respiratory and Pulmonary Diseases. 5(1), 2020. pdf
  • M. Laviola, C. Niklas, A. Das, D.G. Bates and J.G. Hardman, "Effect of oxygen fraction on airway rescue: a computational modelling study", British Journal of Anaestheisa 125(1):e69-e74, 2020. pdf

  • A.P.S. Darlington and D.G. Bates, "Combining transcriptional and translational resource allocation controllers for synthetic circuits", in proceedings of the 58th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, Nice, France, 2019.
  • N.M.G. Paulino, M. Foo, J. Kim and D.G. Bates, "PID and state feedback controllers using DNA strand displacement reactions", in proceedings of the 58th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, Nice, France, 2019 and IEEE Control Systems Letters, 3(4) pp. 805-810, 2019. pdf
  • M. Haque, T.E. Scott, A. Das, I. Cliff, D.G. Bates and J.G. Hardman, "Efficacy of continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) in casualties suffering from primary blast lung injury: A modeling study", in proceedings of the 41st IEEE Engineering in Biology and Medicine Conference, Berlin, 2019. pdf
  • M. Laviola, C. Niklas, A. Das, D.G. Bates and J.G. Hardman, "High oxygen fraction during airway opening is key to effective airway rescue in obese subjects", in proceedings of the 41st IEEE Engineering in Biology and Medicine Conference, Berlin, 2019. pdf
  • N.M.G. Paulino, J. Kim, M. Foo, D.G. Bates, "Robustness analysis of a nucleic acid controller for a dynamic biomolecular process using the structured singular value", Journal of Process Control, Vol. 78C, pp. 34-44, 2019. pdf
  • S. Saffaran, A. Das, J.G. Hardman, N. Yehya and D.G. Bates, "High-fidelity Computational Simulation to Refine Strategies for Lung-Protective Ventilation in Paediatric Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome", Intensive Care Medicine,, 2019. pdf  supplemental file
  • A. Das, L. Camporota, J.G. Hardman and D.G. Bates, "What links ventilator driving pressure with survival in the acute respiratory distress syndrome? A computational study", Respiratory Research, 20:29, DOI:, 2019. pdf
  • M. Laviola, A. Das, M. Chikhani, D.G. Bates and J.G. Hardman, "Computer simulation clarifies mechanisms of carbon dioxide clearance during apnoea", British Journal of Anaesthesia,, 2019. pdf
  • A.P.S. Darlington, J. Kim and D.G. Bates, "Robustness Analysis of a Synthetic Translational Resource Allocation Controller", IEEE Control Systems Letters (Special Issue on Control and Network Theory for Biological Systems), Vol 3(2), DOI: 10.1109/LCSYS.2018.2867368, 2019. pdf SM
  • L. Swiney, D.G. Bates and J. Coley, "Cognitive constraints shape public debate on the risks of synthetic biology", Trends in Biotechnology, DOI:, 2018. pdf
  • N.M.G. Paulino, M. Foo, J. Kim and D.G. Bates, "Uncertainty Modelling and Stability Robustness Analysis of Nucleic Acid-Based Feedback Control Systems", in the proceedings of the 57th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, (Invited Session on Biomolecular Computing and Feedback Systems ), Miami Beach, FL, USA, 2018. pdf
  • A.P.S. Darlington and D.G. Bates, "On the design of integral translational resource allocation controllers for synthetic cellular circuitry", in the proceedings of the 57th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, (Invited Session on Biomolecular Computing and Feedback Systems ), Miami Beach, FL, USA, 2018. pdf
  • A.P.S. Darlington, J. Kim, J.I. Jimenez, and D.G. Bates, "Engineering Translational Resource Allocation Controllers: Mechanistic Models, Design Guidelines, and Potential Biological Implementations", ACS Synthetic Biology, DOI: 10.1021/acssynbio.8b00029, 2018. pdf
  • M. Haque, A. Das, T.E. Scott, D.G. Bates, and J.G. Hardman, "The primary blast lung injury simulator: A new computerised model", Journal of the Royal Army Medical Corps, DOI: 10.1136/jramc-2018-000989, 2018. pdf
  • S. Saffaran, W. Wang, A. Das, W. Schmitt, J.G. Hardman, G. Weimann and D.G. Bates, "An inhaled sGC modulator can lower PH in COPD patients without deteriorating oxygenation", CPT Pharmacometrics & Systems Pharmacology, DOI: 10.1002/psp4.12308, 2018. pdf
  • M. Foo, I. Gherman, P. Zhang, D.G. Bates and K. Denby, "Engineering Stress Resilient Plants using Genetic Feedback Control and Regulatory Network Rewiring", ACS Synthetic Biology, 7 (6), pp 1553–1564, DOI: 10.1021/acssynbio.8b00037, 2018. pdf
  • J. Kim, M. Foo, and D.G. Bates, "Computationally Efficient Modelling of Stochastic Spatio-Temporal Dynamics in Biomolecular Networks", Scientific Reports 8:3498, DOI:10.1038/s41598-018-21826-8, 2018. pdf
  • A.P.S. Darlington, J. Kim, J.I. Jimenez, and D.G. Bates, "Dynamic Allocation Of Orthogonal Ribosomes Facilitates Uncoupling Of Co-Expressed Genes", Nature Communications, 9:695, DOI: 10.1038/s41467-018-02898-62018, 2018. pdf
  • M. Foo, J. Kim, and D.G. Bates, "Modelling and Control of Gene Regulatory Networks for Perturbation Mitigation", IEEE/ACM Transactions on Computational Biology and Bioinformatics, DOI: 10.1109/TCBB.2017.2771775, 2017. pdf
  • J.E. Bowyer, E.L.C. de los Santos, K.M. Styles, C. Corre and D.G. Bates, "Modeling the Architecture of the Regulatory System Controlling Methylenomycin Production in Streptomyces coelicolor", Journal of Biological Engineering, 11:30, DOI: 10.1186/s13036-017-0071-6, 2017. pdf
  • D.O.A. Alowa, T.A. Tahir, M. Fischer, D.G. Bates, S. Amirova and N.P.J. Brindle, "Regulation of Angiopoietin Signalling by Endogenous Soluble Tie2 Ectodomain and Engineered Ligand Trap", Scientific Reports, 7:3658, DOI: 10.1038/s41598-017-03981-6, 2017. pdf
  • J.E. Bowyer, V. Hsiao, W.W. Wong and D.G. Bates, "Mechanistic modelling of a recombinase-based two-input temporal logic gate", IET Engineering Biology, 2017. pdf
  • M. Laviola, A. Das, M. Chikhani, D.G. Bates and J.G. Hardman "Investigating the effect of cardiac oscillations and deadspace gas mixing during apnea using computational simulation", in proceedings of the 39th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, JeJu Island, S. Korea, 2017.
  • S. Saffaran, A. Das, J.G. Hardman, N. Yehya, and D.G. Bates, "Development and Validation of a Computational Simulator for Pediatric ARDS Patients", in proceedings of the 39th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, JeJu Island, S. Korea, 2017.
  • M. Foo, I. Gherman, K. Denby and D.G. Bates, "Control Strategies for Mitigating the Effect of External Perturbations on Gene Regulatory Networks", in proceedings of the 20th World Congress of the International Federation of Automatic Control (IFAC), Toulouse, 2017.
  • M. Foo, J. Kim and D.G. Bates, "System identification of gene regulatory networks for perturbation mitigation via feedback control", in proceedings of the 14th IEEE International Conference on Networking, Sensing and Control, Calabria, 2017.
  • A. Das, M. Haque, M. Chikhani, O. Cole, W. Wang, J.G. Hardman and D.G. Bates, "Hemodynamic effects of lung recruitment maneuvers in acute respiratory distress syndrome", BMC Pulmonary Medicine, 17:34,

    DOI: 10.1186/s12890-017-0369-7, 2017. pdf

  • M. Foo, J. Kim, R. Sawlekar and D.G. Bates, "Embedded inverse-feedforward tracking control of enzymatic reaction processes", Computers & Chemical Engineering, 99, 145–157, DOI: 10.1016/j.compchemeng.2017.01.027, 2017. pdf
  • M. Foo, J. Kim, J. Kim and D.G. Bates, "Proportional-Integral Degradation (PI-Deg) control allows accurate tracking of biomolecular concentrations with fewer chemical reactions", IEEE Life Sciences Letters, 2(4), DOI: 10.1109/LLS.2016.2644652, 2016. pdf
  • M. Foo, R. Sawlekar and D.G. Bates, "Exploiting the dynamic properties of covalent modification cycles for the design of synthetic analog circuitry", Journal of Biological Engineering, 10:15, DOI: 10.1186/s13036-016-0036-1, 2016. pdf
  • M. Chikhani, A. Das, M. Haque, W. Wang, D.G. Bates, and J.G. Hardman, "High PEEP in ARDS: evaluating the trade-off between improved oxygenation and decreased oxygen delivery", British Journal of Anaesthesia, 117 (5): 650–8 (2016) DOI: 10.1093/bja/aew314, 2016. pdf
  • J. Bowyer, V. Hsiao and D.G. Bates, "Development and Experimental Validation of a Mechanistic Model of a Recombinase-Based Temporal Logic Gate", in proceedings of the 12th IEEE Biomedical Circuits and Systems Conference, Shanghai, 2016. pdf
  • R. Sawlekar, M. Foo and D.G. Bates, "Robustness Analysis of DNA-based Biomolecular Feedback Controllers to Parametric and Time Delay Uncertainties", in proceedings of the 12th IEEE Biomedical Circuits and Systems Conference, Shanghai, 2016. pdf
  • M. du Lac, A. Scarpelli, A.K.D. Younger, D.G Bates and J. Leonard, "Predicting the dynamics and heterogeneity of genomic DNA content within bacterial populations across variable growth regimes", ACS Synthetic Biology, Special Issue on Bio-Design Automation, DOI: 10.1021/acssynbio.5b00217, 2016. pdf
  • M. Bilotta, C. Cosentino, A. Merola, D.G. Bates and F. Amato, "Zero-Retroactivity Subtraction Module for Embedded Feedback Control of Chemical Reaction Networks", in proceedings of the 6th IFAC Conference on Foundations of Systems Biology in Engineering, Magdeburg, 2016. pdf
  • F. Montefusco, O. Akman, O. Soyer and D.G. Bates, "Ultrasensitive Negative Feedback Control: A Natural Approach for the Design of Synthetic Controllers", PloS One 11(8):e0161605, doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0161605, 2016. pdf
  • M. Foo, R. Sawlekar, V.V. Kulkarni and D.G. Bates, "Biologically inspired design of feedback control systems implemented using DNA strand displacement reactions", in proceedings of the 38th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, Orlando, 2016. pdf
  • A. Darlington and D.G. Bates, "Host-aware modelling of a synthetic genetic oscillator", in proceedings of the 38th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, Orlando, 2016. pdf
  • A. Das, M. Haque, M. Chikhani, W. Wang, J.G. Hardman and D.G. Bates, "Creating Virtual ARDS Patients", in proceedings of the 38th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, Orlando, 2016. pdf
  • M. Foo, R. Sawlekar, J. Kim, G.-B. Stan, D.G. Bates and V.V. Kulkarni, "On the biomolecular implementation of nonlinear system theoretic operators", in the Proceedings of the European Control Conference, Aalborg, 2016. pdf
  • R. Sawlekar, F. Montefusco, V.V. Kulkarni and D.G. Bates, "Implementing Nonlinear Feedback Controllers using DNA Strand Displacement Reactions", IEEE Transactions on NanoBioscience, DOI: 10.1109/TNB.2016.2560764, 2016. pdf
  • J. Bowyer, J. Zhao, P. Subsoontorn, W. Wong, S. Rosser and D.G. Bates, "Mechanistic Modeling of a Rewritable Recombinase Addressable Data Module", IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Circuits and Systems, 10(6), 1161-1170, DOI: 10.1109/TBCAS.2016.2526668, 2016. pdf
  • A. Steinacher, D.G. Bates, O. Akman and O. Soyer, "Nonlinear Dynamics in Gene Regulation Promote Robustness and Evolvability of Gene Expression Levels", PLoS ONE 11(4): e0153295. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0153295, 2016. pdf
  • W. Wang, A. Das, O. Cole, M. Chikhani, J.G. Hardman and D.G. Bates, "Computational simulation indicates that moderately high frequency ventilation can allow safe reduction of tidal volumes and airway pressures in ARDS patients", Intensive Care Medicine Experimental 3(1), 1-12, 2015. pdf
  • R. Sawlekar, F. Montefusco, V.V. Kulkarni and D. G. Bates, "Biomolecular Implementation of a Quasi Sliding Mode Feedback Controller based on DNA Strand Displacement Reactions", in Proceedings of the 37th IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Conference, Milano, 2015. pdf
  • J. Bowyer, J. Zhao, S. Rosser, S. Colloms and D.G. Bates, "Development and Experimental Validation of a Mechanistic Model of in vitro DNA Recombination", in Proceedings of the 37th IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Conference, Milano, 2015. pdf
  • A. Das, M. Haque, M. Chikhani, W. Wang, T. Ali, O. Cole, J.G. Hardman and D.G. Bates, "Development of an Integrated Model of Cardiovascular and Pulmonary Physiology for the Evaluation of Mechanical Ventilation Strategies", in Proceedings of the 37th IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Conference, Milano, 2015. pdf
  • M. Bilotta, C. Cosentino, D.G. Bates and F. Amato, "Retroactivity Analysis of a Chemical Reaction Network Module for the Subtraction of Molecular Fluxes", in Proceedings of the 37th IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Conference, Milano, 2015. pdf
  • A. Das, O. Cole, M. Chikhani, W. Wang, T. Ali, M. Haque, J.G. Hardman and D.G. Bates, "Evaluation of lung recruitment maneuvers in Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome using computer simulation", Critical Care, 19:8, doi:10.1186/s13054-014-0723-62014, 2015. pdf
  • W. Wang, P.P. Menon, D.G. Bates, S. Ciabuschi, N.M. Gomes Paulino, E. Di Sotto, A. Bidaux, A. Kron, S. Salehi, S. Bennani, "Verification and Validation Framework for Autonomous Rendezvous Systems in the Terminal Phase", AIAA Journal of Spacecraft and Rockets, doi: 10.2514/1.A32531, 2014. pdf
  • W. Wang, A. Das, T. Ali, O. Cole, M. Chikhani, M. Haque, J.G. Hardman and D.G. Bates, "Can computer simulators accurately represent the pathophysiology of individual COPD patients?", Intensive Care Medicine Experimental, 2:23, doi:10.1186/s40635-014-0023-02014, 2014. pdf
  • F. Montefusco, O.E. Akman, O.S. Soyer, and D.G. Bates, "Modelling and Analysis of Feedback Control Mechanisms Underlying Osmoregulation in Yeast", in A Systems Theoretic Approach to Systems and Synthetic Biology, Editors: V.V. Kulkarni, G.-B. Stan and K. Raman, 2014. pdf
  • J. Kim, M. Kishida and D.G. Bates, "State bounds estimation for nonlinear systems using mu-analysis", in Proceedings of the 19th World Congress of the International Federation of Automatic Control, Cape Town, South Africa. August 24-29, 2014. pdf
  • L. Salerno, C. Cosentino, A. Merola, D.G. Bates and F. Amato, “Validation of a model of the GAL regulatory system via robustness analysis of its bistability characteristics”, BMC Systems Biology, 17;7(1):39, 2013. pdf
  • A.Das, P.P. Menon, J. Hardman and D.G. Bates, “Optimization of Ventilation Settings for Pulmonary Disease States”, IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering, 60(6):1599-607, 2013. pdf
  • F. Montefusco, A. Steinacher, O. Akman, D.G. Bates and O.S. Soyer, “On the Role of Ultrasensitivity in Biomolecular Control Systems”, Invited Session on Control Theory for Synthetic Biology, in Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, Hawaii, 2012. pdf
  • C. Cosentino, L. Salerno, A. Passanti, A. Merola, D.G. Bates, F. Amato, “Structural bistability of the GAL regulatory network and characterization of its domains of attraction”, Journal of Computational Biology, 19(2):148-62, 2012. pdf
  • C. Cosentino and D.G. Bates, Feedback Control in Systems Biology, CRC Press (Taylor & Francis), 2011.
  • F. Montefusco, C. Cosentino, F. Amato and D.G. Bates, “Reverse-Engineering Biological Interaction Networks from Noisy Data using Regularized Least Squares and Instrumental Variables”, Proceedings of the joint IEEE Conference on Decision and Control / European Control Conference, Orlando, Florida, 2011. pdf
  • N. Kotov, D.G. Bates et al, “Computational modelling elucidates the mechanism of ciliary regulation in health and disease”, BMC Systems Biology 5:143, 2011. pdf
  • D.G. Bates and C. Cosentino, “Validation and Invalidation of Systems Biology Models using Robustness Analysis”, IET Systems Biology, 5(4)229-244, 2011. pdf
  • F. Montefusco, C. Cosentino and D.G. Bates, “Introduction to network reconstruction methods based on dynamical systems theory”, in Handbook of Statistical Systems Biology, M. Stumpf, D.J. Balding, M. Girolami (Eds.), Wiley, 2011. pdf
  • C. Rato, S. Amirova, D.G. Bates, I. Stansfield and H.M. Wallace, “Translational recoding as a feedback controller: systems approaches reveal polyamine-specific effects on the antizyme ribosomal frameshift”, Nucleic Acids Research, doi:10.1093/nar/gkq1349, 2011. pdf
  • A. Das, Z. Gao, P.P. Menon, J. Hardman and D.G. Bates, “A Systems Engineering approach to validation of a pulmonary physiology simulator for clinical applications”, Journal of The Royal Society Interface, doi: 10.1098/rsif.2010.0224, 2011. pdf
  • J. Kim, P. Heslop-Harrison, I. Postlethwaite and D. G. Bates, “Structural adaptation and robustness of Dictyostelium ligand-receptor kinetics for low and high ligand concentration”, International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control, Special Issue: Focus on Robustness in Systems Biology: Methods and Applications, 20(9): 1047-1058, 2010. pdf
  • J.-S. Kim, N. V. Valeyev, I. Postlethwaite, P. Heslop-Harrison, K.-W. Cho and D. G. Bates, “Analysis and Extension of a Biochemical Network Model Using Robust Control Theory”, International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control, Special Issue: Focus on Robustness in Systems Biology: Methods and Applications, 20(9): 1017-1026, 2010. pdf
  • C.-Y. Dong, T.-W. Yoon, D. G. Bates and K.-H. Cho, “Identification of Feedback Loops Embedded in Cellular Circuits by Investigating Non-Causal Impulse Response Components”, Journal of Mathematical Biology, DOI: 10.1007/s00285-009-0263-x, 2009. pdf
  • N. V. Valeyev, J.-S. Kim, P. Heslop-Harrison, I. Postlethwaite, N. Kotov and D. G. Bates, “Computational Modelling Suggests Dynamic Interactions between Ca2+, IP3 and G Protein-Coupled Modules are Key to Achieving Robust Dictyostelium Aggregation”, Molecular BioSystems, Vol. 5, 612-628, 2009. pdf
  • N. V. Valeyev, N. Kotov, P. Heslop-Harrison, I. Postlethwaite and D. G. Bates, “Crosstalk between G-protein and Ca2+ pathways switches intracellular cAMP levels”, Molecular BioSystems, Vol. 5(1), 2008. pdf
  • J. Kim, D. G. Bates and I. Postlethwaite, “Evaluation of Stochastic Effects on Biomolecular Networks using the Generalised Nyquist Stability Criterion”, IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, Vol. 53(8), 2008. pdf

Current/Recent Research Grants

  • Nasal High Flow for Respiratory Support, In Silico Research, Fisher & Paykel Healthcare, 2023-2026.
  • £763K, Integrating data-driven biophysical models in respiratory medicine (BIOREME), EPSRC Healthcare Technologies New Challenges NetworkPlus, (with Dr. Bindi Brook, University of Nottingham, Prof. Peter Robbins, University of Oxford, Dr. Alex Horsley, University of Manchester, and Prof. Salman Siddiqui, Imperial College London), 2021-2025.
  • £37.5K, In-silico modelling of medical counter measures for Chlorine and Phosgene lung injury, Defence Medical Services Directorate, 2020-2024.
  • £429K, Investigating Strategies for Mechanical Ventilation in COVID-19 via Computational Simulation of Virtual Patients, EPSRC, (with Prof. Jonathan Hardman, University of Nottingham), 2020-2021
  • £145K, Towards a Comprehensive Theory of Feedback Control for Chemical Reaction Networks, Leverhulme Trust, 2018-2021
  • £59.7K, Investigation of Closed-Loop Ventilation Strategies for Neonatal ICU Patients using Computational Simulation, EPSRC Healthcare Technologies Network Plus Feasibility Study, (with Prof. Don Sharkey and Prof. Jonathan Hardman, University of Nottingham), 2018-2019
  • £1.1M, Personalised Simulation Technologies for Optimising Treatment in the Intensive Care Unit: Realising Industrial and Medical Applications, EPSRC, with (Prof. Jonathan Hardman, University of Nottingham, and Dr. Luigi Camporota, King’s College London), 2017-2021
  • £298K/$665K, Rewritable Biocomputers in Mammalian Cells, BBSRC/NSF, (with Prof. Wilson Wong, University of Boston), 2017-2020
  • £634K, Closed Loop Control Systems for Optimisation of Treatment, EPSRC Healthcare Technologies Network Plus Grant, (with Prof. Steve Morgan and Prof. Jonathan Hardman, University of Nottingham, and Prof. Helen Byrne, University of Oxford), 2016-2019
  • £240K, Development of a Computational Simulator, Bayer Healthcare, Commercial Research Contract, 2015-2017
  • £12.4M, Warwick Integrative Synthetic Biology Centre, BBSRC/EPSRC, (with Prof. John McCarthy and Prof. Orkun Soyer, University of Warwick), 2014-2022
  • £4.7M, Centre for Doctoral Training in Synthetic Biology, EPSRC/BBSRC, (with Prof. Antonis Papachristodoulou, Prof. Andrew Tuberfield, Prof. Judy Armitage, University of Oxford, Prof. Claire Grierson, Prof. Dek Wolfson, University of Bristol, Prof. Orkun Soyer, University of Warwick), 2014-2022.
  • £1.4M, Exploiting the Syntegron Technology Platform for Assembly and Optimisation of Complex Genetic Ensembles, EPSRC/NSF, (with Prof. Susan Rosser, University of Glasgow, Prof. Paul Freemont, Imperial College London, Prof. Anne Osbourn, John Innes Centre, Prof. Joshua Leonard, Northwestern University, USA and Prof. Jay Keasling, University of Berkeley, USA) 2013-2016.
  • £650K, Integrated Cardiopulmonary Modelling for the Investigation of the Management of Disturbed Tissue Perfusion, MRC, (with Prof. Jonathan Hardman and Dr. Iain Moppett, University of Nottingham), 2012-2015.
  • £4M, Engineering Synthetic Microbial Communities for Biomethane Production, BBSRC sLOLA, (with Prof. Orkun Soyer, School of Life Sciences, University of Warwick, Prof. Richard Titball, Prof. David Studholme and Prof. Angus Buckling, University of Exeter, Prof. Russell Davenport, Prof. Jan Dolfing and Prof. Tom Curtis, University of Newcastle, David Campbell Stuckey, Imperial College London, Prof. David Swarbreck, TGAC), 2013-2018.
  • £425K, Development, Validation and Application of Population-Based Pulmonary Disease Models using Robustness Analysis and Ensemble Forecasting, EPSRC, (with Prof. Jonathan Hardman, Queen’s Medical Centre, University of Nottingham), 2011-2014.
  • £417K, Evolving Controllers and Controlling Evolution, EPSRC (with Prof. Orkun Soyer, School of Life Sciences, University of Warwick), 2011-2014.
  • £1.4M, Synthetic Integrons for Continuous Directed Evolution of Complex Genetic Ensembles, EPSRC/NSF, (with Dr. Susan Rosser, University of Glasgow, Prof. Paul Freemont, Imperial College London, Prof. Anne Osbourn, John Innes Centre, Prof. Joshua Leonard, Northwestern University, USA and Prof. Jay Keasling, University of Berkeley, USA) 2010-2012.
  • £586, Post-Transcriptional Feedback Control of Polyamine Metabolism in Yeast: An Integrated Modelling and Experimental Investigation, BBSRC, (with Dr. Ian Stansfield, University of Aberdeen), 2008-2011.
  • £432K, Preventing Ventilator Associated Lung Injury using Feedback Control Engineering, EPSRC, (with Dr. Jonathan Hardman, University of Nottingham), 2008-2011.


Prof. Bates was born in Clonmel, Co. Tipperary, Ireland in 1970, and educated at Powerstown National School and the High School, Clonmel. He received a B.Eng degree in Electronic Engineering and a Ph.D. degree in Robust Control Theory from the School of Electronic Engineering, Dublin City University, Ireland, in 1992 and 1996, respectively. On completing his PhD, he joined the Control and Instrumentation Research Group led by Prof. Ian Postlethwaite in the Department of Engineering at Leicester University, where he worked as a post-doctoral research associate, lecturer, and senior lecturer, before being appointed to a Personal Chair in Control Engineering, aged 38. In 2010 he was appointed Professor of Biological Systems Engineering in the College of Engineering, Mathematics and Physical Sciences of the University of Exeter, and in 2013 he moved to the University of Warwick as Professor of Bioengineering. From 2014 to 2022 he was Co-Director of the BBSRC/EPSRC Warwick Integrative Synthetic Biology Centre (WISB), and Co-Director at Warwick of the EPSRC/BBSRC Oxford-Warwick-Bristol Centre for Doctoral Training in Synthetic Biology.

His early research applied design and analysis methods from robust control theory to a range of aerospace systems, including gas-turbine engines (with Alstom Power) and large passenger aircraft (with Airbus). Between 2007 and 2012 his group participated in nine international research projects funded by the European Space Agency. Working with industrial partners including GMV, Deimos Space, Alenia Thales and Astrium, these projects developed advanced verification and validation methods for control systems in applications ranging from hypersonic re-entry vehicles, launch vehicles, flexible satellites and autonomous rendezvous systems. Subsequently, his research focus shifted to the modelling, analysis, design and control of complex biological and medical systems. In 2006, he was awarded an EPSRC Discipline Hopping Research Fellowship with Prof. Jonathan Hardman of the Queen's Medical Centre of the University of Nottingham to pursue research on the Control Engineering/Life Sciences Interface - his collaborative work with Prof. Hardman has been continuously funded by EPSRC, MRC and industry since that time.

He has served on numerous research grant review panels in the UK and internationally, including on BBSRC's Engineering and Biological Systems Research Committee, and subsequently BBSRC's Research Committee C on Technology and Methodological Development (2007 to 2010), on MRC's Systems immunology of the Human Life Course Review Panel (2013), as a member of EPSRC's Peer Review College (2013 to present), as a member, Co-Chair and subsequently Chair of the Research Grants Review Committee of the International Human Frontier Science Program (2009 to 2014), as Chair of the HFSP review committee for Career Development Awards (2016 to 2019), on the international ERA-NET Synthetic Biology Expert Evaluation Panel (2014 and 2020), on the Technology and Production Sciences - Biomedical Engineering Panel of the Independent Research Fund Denmark (2019), the French National Research Agency "Mathématiques et sciences du numérique pour la biologie et la santé" committee (2019), and as a reviewer for the Swiss National Science Foundation (2023). He is currently a member of the Chair Pool for the recently established UKRI Interdisciplinary Assessment College.

From 2017 to 2020 he was external examiner for the M.Res. Degree in Systems and Synthetic Biology at Imperial College London, and external examiner for the Electrical & Electronic Engineering B.Eng Degree programme at Technological University Dublin. He is currently an Associate Editor of the journal Pulmonology.

He is the co-author (with Carlo Cosentino) of Feedback Control in Systems Biology, published by Taylor & Francis. He has authored more than 200 peer reviewed research publications (current H-index = 31), and obtained funding in excess of £31M from EPSRC, BBSRC, MRC, The Leverhulme Trust, ESA, the MOD, and industry.


Systems Medicine Collaborators:

Dr. Sina Saffaran, Royal Academy of Engineering Research Fellow & Assistant Professor, School of Engineering, University of Warwick

Hang Yu, PhD student, School of Engineering, University of Warwick

Hossein Shamohammadi, PhD student, School of Engineering, University of Warwick

Liam Weaver, PhD student, School of Engineering, University of Warwick

Beatrice Albanese, PhD student, School of Engineering, University of Warwick

Lauren Ketteridge, PhD student, School of Engineering, University of Warwick

William Joy, PhD student, School of Engineering, University of Warwick

Prof. Jonathan Hardman, Professor of Anaesthesia & Critical Care, University of Nottingham, Consultant in Anaesthesia & Perioperative Medicine, NUH NHS Trust

Dr. Marianna Laviola, Assistant Professor, Faculty of Medicine & Health Sciences, University of Nottingham

Dr. Luigi Camporota, Consultant in Intensive Care Medicine, Guy's & St. Thomas' NHS Foundation Trust, London

Surgeon Commander Tim Scott, Consultant Anaesthetist, Academic
Department of Military Anaesthesia and Critical Care, Royal Centre for Defence Medicine, Birmingham, and Royal Stoke University Hospital

Prof. John Laffey, Professor of Anaesthesia and Intensive Care Medicine, School of Medicine, National University of Ireland Galway, Consultant in Anaesthesia and Intensive Care Medicine, Galway University Hospitals

Dr. Nadir Yehya, Attending Physician, Department of Anaesthesiology and Critical Care Medicine, Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia

Dr. Marc Chikhani, Consultant in Anaesthesia and Intensive Care, Nottingham University Hospitals NHS Trust

Prof. Don Sharkey, Professor of Neonatal Medicine and Technologies, University of Nottingham

Dr. Roberto Tonelli, University of Modena Reggio Emilia, University Hospital of Modena, Respiratory Diseases Unit, Experimental Pnuemology Laboratory Dpt of Medical and Surgical Sciences

Prof. Enrico M Clini, University of Modena Reggio Emilia, University Hospital of Modena, Department of Medical and Surgical Sciences for Children and Adults
Engineering Biology Collaborators:

Dr Alexander Darlington, Royal Academy of Engineering Research Fellow, Assistant Professor in Control and Engineering Biology, School of Engineering, University of Warwick

Dr. Mathias Foo, Assistant Professor in Control and Engineering Biology, School of Engineering, University of Warwick

Prof. Christophe Corre, School of Life Sciences, University of Warwick

Dr. Ahmad Mannan, Faculty of Engineering, Department of Bioengineering, Imperial College London

Prof. Carlo Cosentino, Professor of Bioengineering and Systems and Control Engineering, University of Catanzaro, Italy




Dr. Ridwan Kureemun

Prof. Prathyush Menon

Prof. Jongrae Kim

Prof. Zhiwei Gao

Dr. William Bryant

Prof. Francesco Montefusco

Dr. Wenfei Wang

Dr. Melchior du Lac

Dr. Iulia Gherman

Dr. Jack Bowyer

Dr. Rucha Sawlekar

Prof. Mathias Foo

Prof. Sina Saffaran

Prof. Alexander Darlington

Dr. Anup Das

Dr. Ahmad Mannan

Dr. Sonal Mistry