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Throughout your degree you will refer to biological literature and you’ll develop the skills required to analyse these texts during the tutorial and laboratory programme. Specifically, textbooks are a resource which you’ll use in your first year and four textbooks which will appear throughout your modules are listed below.


Physical books can be borrowed from the University Library, although many books are now available in an electronic format and you can access them directly from your computer wherever you are. There are study spaces available on all of the Library floors.

The Library also organises and runs events for you to get involved with so be sure to attend one of the Library’s welcome sessions so that you know how to best utilise this facility.

Gibbet Hill Study Space

There is also a study space on the Gibbet Hill campus called the BioMed Grid. This is used by students in Life Sciences and the Medical School.

The books in the BioMed grid are available to use whilst studying in the space but they cannot be taken away for use at home.

Key Textbooks

Key textbooks which academics will recommend chapters from to support module content:

  • Choosing and Using Statistics: a Biologist’s Guide - Dytham 2011, 3rd edition.
    Available in a physical copy from the BioMed Grid and in e-book form.
  • Biochemistry - Berg, Gatto, Hines, Tymoczko and Stryer 2023, 10th edition.
    Available in a physical copy from the Main Library and in e-book form.
  • Brock Biology of Microorganisms - Madigan, Bender, Buckley, Sattley and Stahl 2021, 16th edition.
    Available in a physical copy from the Main Library and in e-book form.
  • Molecular Cell Biology - Lodish, Berk, Kaiser, Krieger, Bretscher, Ploegh, Martin, Yaffe, and Amon 2021, 9th edition.
    Available in a physical copy from the Main Library and in e-book form.

Please think twice before purchasing these textbooks for yourself. There are often many copies available either in the Main Library or BioMed Grid (or both) and available online via an e-book. It is likely that you’ll be referred to different books at different times and may find that you rely on some more than others.