Tabula Timetables and Personal Tutors

You can view a personalised timetable of tutorials and lab classes in your Tabula profile. When you are enrolled and logged into the Warwick intranet you can find more information about your timetable. Please note that the timetable may not populate until the first week of October as the last sessions on the timetable are finalised. Information about lectures will be sent to you via Moodle and this will be explained in your welcome talks. You'll also be able to view your timetable via the Warwick mobile app called My WarwickLink opens in a new window.
Your personalised timetable will build gradually. Core module lectures will appear automatically. Any optional modules will be added once you have completed module registration. Your tutorials and labs will be added nearer the start of term. We recommend using a live version of Tabula, through the website or MyWarwick app, so you will always see the latest version of your timetable.
Browse to and select My Student Profile.
Your student profile contains your contact and course information. The tabs on the secondary navigation bar enable you to see details of your Personal Tutor. Your Personal Tutor will be assigned to you towards the end of September. To find out a little more about your personal tutor you could visit their staff webpageLink opens in a new window.