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Alice Hodson

I am now a Postdoc Researcher in the Department of Numerical Mathematics, Faculty of Mathematics and Physics at Charles University, Czech Republic. My current email address is: alice dot hodson at matfyz dot cuni dot cz

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I am a final year PhD student on the MASDOC programme at the University of Warwick. I am currently researching the virtual element method supervised by Andreas Dedner. I completed an MMath in Mathematics at the University of Bath in 2018.

Research Interests:

My research interests are in applied functional analysis. In particular, I am interested in the discretisation of higher order partial differential equations. I am currently studying the numerical analysis of fourth order problems via the virtual element method.

Previous projects include:

  • Construction of projectors for the conforming and non-conforming virtual element method for polyharmonic problems (MSc dissertation).
  • Summation by parts (joint work for MASDOC research study groups).
  • Evolution semigroups and the conjugation problem (MMath dissertation).

Publications and Preprints:

A. Dedner, A. Hodson. A higher order nonconforming virtual element method for the Cahn-Hilliard equation. arXiv preprint: arXiv:2111.11408 (2021) [arxivLink opens in a new window]

A. Dedner, A. Hodson. Robust nonconforming virtual element methods for general fourth-order problems with varying coefficients. IMA Journal of Numerical Analysis. 2022 Apr;42(2):1364-99 [arxivLink opens in a new window][journalLink opens in a new window]

Talks and Posters:


  • 2019 onwards: PhD, Mathematics and Statistics at the University of Warwick.
  • 2018 - 2019: MSc, Mathematics and Statistics at the University of Warwick.
  • 2013 - 2018: MMath, Mathematics at the University of Bath.

Teaching Responsibilities:

Other Responsibilities:
