4 year PhD Programme
This PhD programme is based in the MASDOC Doctoral Training Centre within the University of Warwick departments of Mathematics and Statistics.
We are not accepting applications to this programme for entry October 2019. If you are interested in PhD projects in these areas then please consult the appl;ication procedure for the standard PhD on the departmental web pages.
MASDOC Research Focus
Analysis which provides the language and tools for mathematical formulations, well-posedness and qualitative study of models of continuum phenomena in large multi-scale and multi-physics applications.
- Partial differential equations which are used in mathematical models in physics, biology and social sciences and are fundamental to differential geometry.
Computation and Numerical Analysis for the numerical simulation of complex models. The design of good computational methods is a significant mathematical challenge requiring the interplay between analysis and computing in the context of applications.
Probability and stochastic analysis to provide a detailed and rigorous understanding of the behaviour of complex stochastic models motivated by applications.
Statistical Applied Mathematics for inference in both deterministic and stochastic models, exploiting the increasing volume and quality of data now routinely available in many areas of science and technology.
- Mathematical models in physical, biological and social sciences.
Within the MASDOC graduate programme the innovative and coherent research training will provide you as a PhD student with a broad background. Specifically it:
prepares students to develop mathematical and statistical frameworks for emerging applications which address the scientific and technological challenges that face the modern world;
enables students to undertake world leading research across traditional divides both within mathematical sciences and across to other disciplines;
prepares students for research in academia or to transfer their skills and knowledge into widersociety via industrial or governmental career tracks;
trains students to act as ambassadors for the mathematical sciences to the broader public;
will graduate PhDs who have been provided with a training comparable to the highest international standard, who can communicate across disciplines and who will have enduring links to a cohort of MASDOC-trained researchers with interests across a broad range of research areas
Structure of the Programme
The normal route into the MASDOC CDT is via entry into the 4 year training programme. There are two Phases to the PhD programme. Phase 1 is a research training programme which prepares students for completing their PhD in Phase 2. Mathematical training continues beyond the first year, and students become involved in research activity from the outset. Elements of the programme include research study groups, an annual conference, weekly seminars and international engagement through graduate schools and short research visits to international partners. A MASDOC MSc is awared at the end of year 1.
MASDOC Taught Modules
Students are required to take 6 modules over Terms 1 and 2. These will be chosen from especially developed MASDOC modules, departmental MSc modules and other graduate masters level modules. MASDOC modules are assessed by coursework and oral examination. whreaes other modules are ssssed by coursework and written examination.
Research Study Groups
This module runs through the first half of the academic year. It comprises "Hot Topic" workshops from which group projects are developed. This is assessed by group presentations and reports.
MASDOC summer research project and choice of PhD project/supervisor
- The Summer Research Project is normally supervised by the potential PhD supervisor.
Choice of supervisor
MASDOC students are expected to seek out potential supervisors and agree a project. MASDOC students are encouraged to discuss research topics with faculty in Mathematics and Statistics throughout the year. Sometimes within the admissions procedure a student may have a prior agreemnet with a member of staff to act as supervisor.
Unusual entry
In this case the supervisor will be agreed within the admission procedure. -
Summer research/PhD project proposal
The student and supervisor should write a short project proposal comprising a discussion of background and aims for the project and an indication of the PhD project. The project proposals will be approved by the MASDOC directors.
The research projects may be of a theoretical nature or methodological nature within one or more pillars or may be centred around an application area.
Ideally the range of projects will be across the full scope of MASDOC.