K-theory, A1-homotopy and quadratic forms
12-16 February 2018
Organiser: Marco Schlichting, Heng Xie
Location: The University of Warwick, Oculus and Library building (see schedule for details)
Topics: This is a conference on algebraic K-theory, A1-homotopy theory, algebaic cycles, quadratic forms and group homology.
Funding: We have some funding especially for PhD students and post-docs. If you do require funding, please send an email to one of the organizers indicating what for and how much.
Registration (important): If you wish to participate, please register here. Without registration, we cannot book accommodation.
Talks will be in the Oculus building (OC1.06, OC0.04 etc) and in the Library (Lib1, Lib2)
Schedule of talks
Invited speakers:
Tom Bachmann (Essen)
Grzegorz Banaszak (Poznan)
Baptiste Calmes (Paris, Lens)
Federico Binda (Regensburg)
Oliver Braunling (Freiburg)
Emanuele Dotto (Bonn)
Grigory Garkusha (Swansea)
Jens Hornbostel (Wuppertal)
Kevin Hutchinson (Dublin)
Jeremy Jacobson (Emory)
Max Karoubi (Paris)
Bernhard Koeck (Southampton)
Markus Land (Regensburg)
Husney Parvez Sawar (Warwick)
Alexander Rham (Luxemburg)
David Sprehn (Copenhagen)
Oscar Randal-Williams (Cambridge)
Alexander Vishik (Nottingham)
Charles Weibel (Rutgers)
Heng Xie (Warwick)
Sponsor: EPSRC
See also:
Mathematics Research Centre
Mathematical Interdisciplinary Research at Warwick (MIR@W)
Past Events
Past Symposia
Where possible, visitors should obtain an EDUROAM account from their own university to enable internet access whilst at Warwick.
You can register for any of the symposia or workshops online. To see which registrations are currently open and to submit a registration, please click hereLink opens in a new window.
Mathematics Research Centre
Zeeman Building
University of Warwick
Coventry CV4 7AL - UK