Junior Number Theory 2024-2025
Welcome to Warwick's Junior Number Theory Seminar!
The seminar takes place during term time on Mondays from 11am-12pm in
- B3.01 (terms 1 and 2),
- B3.02 (term 3, except for 16th of June 2025), or
- MB0.08 (16th of June 2025, in the Mathematical Sciences Building).
The seminar is organised by Alexandros Groutides, Seth Hardy and Kenji Terao.
If you want to give a talk in this seminar, contact one of the organisers!
Term 2
Date |
Speaker |
Title |
6th January 2025 |
Alexandros Groutides (Warwick) | Integrality of GL(2) x GL(2) Rankin-Selberg zeta integrals |
13th January 2025 |
Catinca Mujdei (LSGNT) | Low-lying zeros of families of L-functions |
20th January 2025 |
Santiago Vázquez Sáez (LSGNT) | The Duffin-Schaeffer Conjecture |
27th January 2025 |
Frederick Thøgersen (Nottingham) | - |
3rd February 2025 |
Kenji Terao (Warwick) | - |
10th February 2025 |
Sophie Maclean (KCL) | - |
17th February 2025 |
Khalid Younis (Warwick) | - |
24th February 2025 |
Harry Spencer (LSGNT) | - |
3rd March 2025 | Philip Holdridge (Warwick) | - |
10th March 2025 | Alvaro Gonzalez Hernandez (Warwick) | - |
Week 1 - 6th January 2025
Alexandros Groutides (University of Warwick) - Integrality of GL(2) x GL(2) Rankin-Selberg zeta integrals
Local zeta integrals were firstly introduced in Tate's thesis as integral representations of Euler factors associated to GL(1) L-functions of Dirichlet characters. Since then, the theory has been developed for irreducible, admissible, generic representations of various reductive groups. In particular, for GL(n) x GL(m) by Jacquet, Langlands, Shalika and Piatetskii-Shapiro, with the theory differing substantially whenever n and m coincide. In this talk we will specialize to the GL(2) x GL(2) case, or more classically, the convolution of two cusp forms. We will start from scratch, introducing the necessary tools to construct these complex integrals, and state a celebrated theorem of Jacquet-Langlands concerning absolute convergence and meromorphic continuation. Finally, we will introduce a new notion of integral test data, inspired by the work of Loeffler and Loeffler-Skinner-Zerbes on unramified zeta integrals, and see how it fits into this picture.
Week 2 - 13th January 2025
Catinca Mujdei (LSGNT) - Low-lying zeros of families of L-functions
The Katz-Sarnak philosophy aims to describe the distribution of the zeros of a family $\mathcal{F}$ of $L$-functions near the central point $s=\frac{1}{2}$, when the $L$-functions are ordered by conductor. It is conjectured that these distributions are governed by a symmetry group $G(\mathcal{F})$ related to random matrix theory. I will discuss some results that provide encouraging evidence towards these conjectures for certain families of Dirichlet $L$-functions.
Week 3 - 20th January 2025
Santiago Vázquez Sáez (LSGNT) - The Duffin-Schaeffer Conjecture
The Duffin-Schaeffer conjecture is a central result in Diophantine approximations, concerning the proportion of real numbers that can be approximated in infinitely many ways by irreducible fractions, given a specific error threshold. In this talk, we will explore the ideas behind the proof of the (quantitative) Duffin-Schaeffer conjecture, focusing on the recent argument of Hauke, Walker, and Vazquez. We will also touch on the recent improvements of Koukoulopoulos, Maynard, and Yang, who established an almost sharp bound for the number of such approximations.
Term 1
Date |
Speaker |
Title |
30th September 2024 |
Martí Oller Riera (Cambridge) | Arithmetic Statistics and Dynkin Diagrams |
7th October 2024 |
Ned Carmichael (KCL) | Sums of Arithmetical Functions |
14th October 2024 |
Julie Tavernier (Bath) | Counting number fields whose conductor is the sum of two squares |
21st October 2024 |
Yicheng Yang (LSGNT) | Higher Hida theory on the modular curve |
28th October 2024 |
Besfort Shala (Bristol) | Chowla's Conjecture for Random Multiplicative Functions |
4th November 2024 |
Edwina Aylward (LSGNT) | Rank Predictions in Elliptic Curves: Parity vs. L-Value Approaches |
11th November 2024 |
Nicola Ottolini (Rome Tor Vergata) | Unlikely (and singular) intersections in Diophantine geometry |
18th November 2024 |
Arshay Sheth (Warwick) | ABC implies Mordell |
25th November 2024 |
Constantinos Papachristoforou (Sheffield) | Block decompositions for p-adic groups |
2nd December 2024 |
James Rawson (Warwick) | Points on Curves with Small Galois Groups |
Week 1 - 30th September
Martí Oller Riera (University of Cambridge) - Arithmetic Statistics and Dynkin Diagrams
Arithmetic Statistics is an area of Number Theory that has massively grown in the past decades. One of the most impressive recent results in the area is the work of Bhargava and Shankar, which proved that the average rank of elliptic curves is bounded, a result that was later generalised to Jacobians of hyperelliptic curves. We will begin the talk by giving an overview of the proof of these results, and later in the talk we will explain how such results can be interpreted and generalised using Dynkin diagrams.
Week 2 - 7th October
Ned Carmichael (Kings College London) - Sums of Arithmetical Functions
In this talk, we introduce the Dirichlet divisor problem, overviewing some classical questions and results. A well-known problem in analytic number theory, this asks for the best possible asymptotic approximations to sums of the divisor function. Finally, we consider an analogous problem where the divisor function is replaced by coefficients of cusp forms, and explain some results in this new setting (with comparison to the classical case).
Week 3 - 14th October
Julie Tavernier (University of Bath) - Counting number fields whose conductor is the sum of two squares
A conjecture by Malle proposes an asymptotic formula for the number of number fields of bounded discriminant and given Galois group. In this talk we will consider abelian extensions of fixed Galois group G whose conductor is bounded and the sum of two squares, and show how one can employ techniques from harmonic analysis and class field theory to count such extensions. We then explain how this can be extended to a more general class of field extensions whose conductor satisfies some frobenian condition and conclude by mentioning how some of these results could be interpreted in terms of geometric objects.
Week 4 - 21st October
Yicheng Yang (LSGNT) - Higher Hida theory on the modular curve
In the 80's, Hida introduced an ordinary projector on modular forms and constructed p-adic families of ordinary modular forms. In the talk we will give a construction of integral Hecke operators and explain the idea of higher Hida theory which works for all cohomological degrees and can be generalised to higher dimensional.
Week 5 - 28th October
Besfort Shala (Bristol) - Chowla's Conjecture for Random Multiplicative Functions
Let f be a Steinhaus or Rademacher random multiplicative function. Even though a lot is known about partial sums of f over positive integers due to work of Harper, the exact distribution is still elusive. However, partial sums of f over some restricted sets of positive integers are better understood and are expected/known to mimic a sum of independent random variables, in the sense that they satisfy a central limit theorem and/or law of iterated logarithm. There are several results in this direction such as summing over: (i) integers with a restricted number of prime factors (Hough, Harper), (ii) integers in a short interval (Chatterjee-Sound, Sound-Xu), (iii) values of integer polynomials in the Steinhaus case (Klurman-Shkredov-Xu). The latter may be viewed as a random analogue for Chowla's conjecture or the related Elliott's conjecture. In this talk, I will give a survey of the above results and discuss joint work with Jake Chinis, where we address the random analogue of Chowla's conjecture for Rademacher multiplicative functions. If time permits, I will also discuss some open questions in this area, some of which we address in ongoing joint work with Christopher Atherfold.
Week 6 - 4th November
Edwina Aylward (LSGNT) - Rank Predictions in Elliptic Curves: Parity vs. L-Value Approaches
Finding points of infinite order on elliptic curves is tough work. The parity conjecture has long been used to predict the existence of such points without the need to compute them directly. This has led to the discovery of many intriguing phenomena that we cannot explain by other means. After discussing some examples of these occurrences, I will turn to an alternative approach for predicting positive rank in families of elliptic curves. This method relies on Deligne's conjecture concerning the Galois theoretic properties of L-values, as well as the Birch—Swinnerton-Dyer conjecture. I will then compare the two approaches, and end with discussing whether this new method can predict positive rank in cases where the parity conjecture falls short.
Week 7 - 11th November
Nicola Ottolini (Rome Tor Vergata) - Unlikely (and singular) intersections in Diophantine geometry
Starting from Mordell, many conjectures have been put forward (and proved) about how geometry influences the behaviour of diophantine problems. It turns out that many of them can be put in a common framework about varieties that for dimensional reasons we do not expect to intersect. Whenever they do we say that this intersection is "unlikely". After a brief introduction on the geometric objects involved and some examples of problem of this type, we will turn to a slight variation of this problem, where we look at varieties who we expect to intersect transversally, and consider when they do so in a singular way, i.e. they are actually tangent to each other. If time permits, I will also sketch a common proof strategy due to Pila and Zannier.
Week 8 - 18th November
Arshay Sheth (Warwick) - ABC implies Mordell
Week 9 - 25th November
Constantinos Papachristoforou (Sheffield) - Block decompositions for p-adic groups
Week 10 - 2nd December
James Rawson (Warwick) - Points on Curves with Small Galois Groups
Faltings' theorem shows there are finitely many rational points on a curve of genus at least 2 over any number field, but what happens when you count points from all number fields of bounded degree? This has been the subject of much recent work, and again, there are geometric conditions describing when there are infinitely many such points. What happens when we filter further by Galois group? In this talk, I will explore in detail the case of cubic fields with Galois group Z/3Z and describe some directions of ongoing research.