Information for Families
Hello Families!
We are inviting you to take part in a research study.
1) Before you decide whether you want to take part, it is important for you to understand why the research is being done, and what it will involve. Please take a look at the information in the FAQs. Feel free to discuss it with friends, relatives, support worker, health visitor and your family doctor (GP) if you wish.
Consumers for Ethics in Research publish a leaflet, Medical Research and You. This leaflet gives more information about medical research and looks at questions you may want to ask
2) Once you have read the information about the study, if you are interested in taking part, please contact Sukhdev Sembi on 02476 150 508 or email her at
Contact |
Families |
PuP Practitioners |
Service Evaluation SitesCoventry, Croydon, Ipswich, Swindon, York Information for Referring Agents |
Randomised Control Trial (RCT)Bristol, Glasgow, Liverpool, Nottingham, Stoke, Warrington |