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Gibbet Hill Bullying and Harassment Workshop 2020

image to represent bullying

Gibbet Hill Bullying and Harassment Workshop

Thursday 12 March 2020
1-3pm, Room A0.30, CPD Building

On Thursday 12th March, the Ambassadors for Better Research Culture (ABRC) will be hosting an event to provide practical information and support for anyone at Gibbet Hill who has experienced or is concerned about bullying and harassment.

We will hear from representatives from HR and Student Experience in both WMS and SLS who will define bullying/harassment and detail the processes that are in place to deal with this. This is a unique opportunity to receive information and ask questions in a safe and neutral environment. Attendees are also invited to give feedback on the existing processes and suggest improvements. Please sign up using the registration link at the bottom of the page.

From this event we hope to identify key issues and barriers facing victims of bullying and harassment at Gibbet Hill. We then aim to use this information to influence Gibbet Hill and University policy, and in turn improve research culture for all.

We hope to see you there!

Ambassadors for Better Research Culture

Cerys Currie

Clare Garcin

Alex Zwetsloot

Ellis Ryan

This event is for PhD students, postdocs and any other staff who need support. While we don’t want to exclude anyone, we respectfully request that any supervisors wishing to attend consider whether their presence could discourage supervisees from contributing.

Please use the following form if you want to submit an anonymous case study for discussion at the Gibbet Hill Bullying and Harassment Event. These may be discussed on the day with the staff and student attendees, with the hope that we can reassure other people who might want to report Bullying and Harassment issues, and identify areas where the current support network is failing.

If you wish to submit a case study, please make it anonymous (don't include your name, any names of people involved, or any identifying information of anybody involved). You should aim to include what the problem you faced was, how you identified it as bullying or harassment, how you were supported (or not) in the reporting of this, and what the outcome of it was (if any).

Any submitted case studies will be read by the ABRC representatives, and possibly edited to ensure anonymity. On the day during discussion, we may emphasise certain points to aid in debate, discussion, or in attempt to find constructive consensus. Thus the final discussed case study may not be discussed exactly as you write it.

You should not use this form to try to report any ongoing issues you are facing.

This form does not collect any of your personal information.


Please complete this form at the bottom of this page to register your place.


1:00 – 1:10 – Prof. Andrew McAinsh (Head of Biomedical Sciences, WMS): Welcome and opening remarks

1:10 – 1:45 – Graham Partridge (Head of HR, WMS) – University policy and processes, short Q&A session

1:45 – 2:10 – Dr Martin Mik (Co-Director of Student Experience, SLS) and Emily Reid (Director of Student Experience, WMS) - Processes for PhD students, short Q&A session

2:10 – 2:20 – Short break with opportunity to submit anonymous questions on paper. Coffee & tea provided.

2:20 – 3:00 – Panel discussion: case studies and open Q+A session. During this section we will discuss hypothetical case studies and get opinions from speakers and attendees of how they should be dealt with. There will also be the chance to ask any further questions.


Please register your details below.

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