Previous Dean's Distinguished Lectures
Professor Mark Kahn
University of Pennsylvania
3 July 2015
'Using development to understand cardiovascular disease'
Professor Kahn's lab studies signalling pathways that cause human cardiovascular disease using mouse and fish developmental systems.
Professor Ashok Venkitaraman
University of Cambridge
16 July 2015
'Early intervention in cancer through the tumour suppressive mechanisms that control genome stability'
Professor Venkitaraman's work concerns the cellular and molecular organisation of the tumour supressive mechanisms that maintain genome stability, their inactivation during carcinogenesis, and new approaches that offer the potential for early clinical intervention in cancer.
Dr Stephen Cohen
University of Copenhagen
8 October 2015
'Use of Drosophila genetic models to investigate disease mechanisms'
Dr Cohen's lab have developed a set of unique resources comprising targeted knock-out mutations deleting microRNA (miRNA) genes and transgenic strains that permit regulated overexpression of these miRNAs in Drosophilia as well as computational and biochemical tools for target identification.
Professor Russell Foster
University of Oxford
10 March 2016
'Light, Sleep and Time: Neuroscience to Therapeutics'
Dr Foster's research interests are focused upon the understanding of sleep and circadian rhythms, spanning the fundamental neuroscience of these systems to the application of this knowledge for the improvement of health across ophthalmology, mental illness and teenage health.
Professor Louise Kenny
Irish Centre for Fetal and Neonatal Translational Research and Cork University Maternity Hospital
1 April 2016
'Biomarkers for Pre-eclampsia - where are we now?
Dr Kenney specialises in the management of high risk pregnancy at Cork University Maternity Hospital. The primary focus of her research is how the in utero environment affects the future health and wellbeing of the infant.