Opportunities and Vacancies
PhD Studentship Opportunities
There are currently no PhD vacancies within the Waterfield group directly; but feel free to get in touch speculatively - ideas are always welcome. Any new positions will be advertised here and we encourage you to use twitter to keep abreast of announcements/tweets about opportunities.
Post-Doctoral Opportunties
There are currently no Post-Doctoral opportunities within the group, but as above, feel free to get in touch and check back often.
Placement and Undergraduate Opportunities
There are currently no Placements/Undergrad opportunities or grants available, however undergraduate opportunities are uniquely advantaged in that they can easily be applied for by the prospective student, and are not entirely dependent on the group having places.
Some useful links and information include Warwick's own URSS scheme and a large number of learned societies will provide summer placement schemes with attached funding - a good example is the Harry Smith grants from the Society of General Microbiology.
Enthusiastic undergraduates are welcome to simply get in touch and ask about possibilities of research and lab experience.