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Recent Developments in the Patho-Physiological Molecular Clocks Lab

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European College of Neuropsychopharmacology poster presentation by Soraia

Soraia and poster Soraia presenting her BSN-funded work from her time in our lab at Warwick at the 21.09.2024 - 24.09.2024 37th European College of Neuropsychopharmacology (ECNP). Great collaboration with Ana Fortuna and Joana Bicker at University of Coimbra, Portugal.
Wed 25 Sep 2024, 20:13 | Tags: Chronotherapy, Conference, PhD, 2024

UK Clock Club at MRC LMB

Thanks to the friendly botantists from Gibbet Hill, we went to Cambridge's LMB with 9 people in only one car. A record breaking clock club with a fantastic Keynote from Hiroki Ueda and lots of food for through. Special mention of a travel award to MRC DTP PhD student Vadim!

(missing on the picture James and Rachael)

group in lmb

Vadim Poster

Wed 11 Oct 2023, 23:04 | Tags: Conference, 2023

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