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Policy Workshop

Getting started on the science-policy interface

In person workshop, 2-5pm Thursday 20 March 2025

University of Warwick, Gibbet Hill, WMS, A0.39


Interactive workshop, with:

Drs Dave Blackbell and Catherine-Rose Stocks-Rankin, Co-Directors of the Scottish Research and Policy Exchange (SPRE) - How does research reach policy, and where can I start?

Dr Annette Allen, University of Manchester – From visual physiology to engineering guidelines on lighting.

Dr Eva Winnebeck, University of Surrey - Chronobiology input to school start times and Daylight Saving.


Issues of biological timing have visibly arrived on the policy agenda, with initiatives in the EU and USA to abandon Daylight Saving Time, and a new, population-wide Sleep Checkup being introduced in Japan, amongst others. Alongside these high-profile initiatives is a broad swell of interest in rhythms. And wherever science informs guidelines, regulations, standards etc, from the local to the global, you're on the science-policy interface.


Join us to learn how research connects with policy, and the many pathways into this complicated landscape. If you're considering whether or how to engage, let our experienced trainers from SPRE be your guides. We'll hear from chronobiologists Annette Allen and Eva Winnebeck with experience in different parts of the interface, and the session is interactive - we can also discuss examples brought in by our participants.

We have restricted numbers to keep this highly interactive. We'll ask you to let us know ASAP if you cannot attend, so we can invite another participant. The workshop is free of charge, places will be distributed on a first come first serve basis.

Registration will close 28 January 2025.

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