A complete up-to-date list of publications of Robert can be found on Google Scholar and full-texts might be available from the Warwick Research Active Portal (WRAP).
Dosing time dependent in vitro pharmacodynamics of Everolimus despite a defective circadian clock
First collaboration manuscript between Warwick and Paris
Everolimus (EV), a rapamycin analogue mTOR inhibitor, is used in the clinic to treat Estrogen positive (ER+) breast cancer in order to avoid the resistance to hormonotherapy. Here, we investigate if EV has different effects dependent on time of administration.
The bear circadian clock doesnt sleep during winter dormancy
A new publication on a slightly more zoological topic: “The Bear Circadian Clock Doesn’t “Sleep” in Hibernation” in Frontiers of Zoology. The paper from lead author Heiko Jansen extends out knowledge on the responsiveness of the circadian clock during “hibernation” in bears. Even in torpid animals housed in constant conditions the clock remains responsive to stimuli light light. It also shows that bear fibroblasts grow really well in culture and human Bmal1 reporter constructs are useful to study their cellular clocks. |
Gauging circadian variation in ketamine metabolism by real-time breath analysis
P. Martinez-Lozano Sinues, M. Kohler, S. A. Brown, R. Zenobi and R. Dallmann
Chemical Communications, DOI: 10.1039/C6CC09061C